Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/20/23 ✨ Sun Trine North Node

We can get clearer on who we’re becoming today. The confident Leo sun harmonizes with the North Node in Aries, allowing us to naturally align with our purpose. The future will unfold without forcing it. The Libra moon helps us resolve our past today too- especially our relationships. You might find yourself reflecting on previous lovers when the moon connects with Venus Retrograde this afternoon. Hindsight is 20/20- It’s easier to see multiple perspectives when we look back in time. But old hurt could come up too when the moon opposes Chiron. The pain we’re remembering tonight is asking to be healed so we can more fully step into our next evolution.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/31/22 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto

Get ready for a rebirth! As the ball drops this New Year’s Eve, Venus and Pluto form a conjunction in Capricorn, marking the close of one chapter and start of another in love and money. Remember, new beginnings are often disguised as endings. In the hours leading up to midnight, our path is illuminated by a harmonious trine between the Capricorn sun and the North Node. Powerful and transformative moments in our closest relationships will allow us to clearly see the journey ahead of us today.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/8/22 ✨ Sun Trine North Node + Sextile Lilith

Sassy or confident? There’s a fine line between the two today. The sun harmonies with the North Node, illuminating our direction and helping us to embody the next version of ourself. But a simultaneous sextile to Lilith could ruffle some feathers as we take a break from the modesty of Virgo season and let our inner wild woman out to play. Watch out for being overly harsh or critical. The Aquarius moon makes some tense connections…

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