6/28/23 ✨ Grand Trine: Sun, Moon, and Saturn
Deep desires can be realized today as Venus meets Lilith in Leo. Our confidence could be perceived as being domineering or controlling though! Be mindful of how you’re expressing your wants and needs. The moon enters Scorpio overnight, taking us down into the shadows of our own psyche. We crave intimate connection and exploration over the coming days. Anything that’s been repressed is likely to surface.
10/11/22 ✨ Sun Trine Saturn + Mars Square Neptune
Two major transits balance each other out today. The sun and Saturn lock into a harmonious trine, helping us feel accomplished and giving us the willpower to tackle our duties. But on the other hand, Mars squares Neptune, clouding our confidence and making us question our capabilities. Because both energies are playing out at the same time, they counter-balance each other’s effects (thank you, Universe!)
6/16/22 ✨ Sun Trine Saturn and Square Neptune
Slow down, kiddo! The busy Gemini sun gets a speed check as it connects with slow Saturn in Aquarius. We could receive praise or recognition for an accomplishment today. Sharing our wisdom with others feels natural. But a simultaneous square between the sun and Neptune creates confusion, sensitivity, and doubt. There’s conflict between fantasy and reality.