Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/7/23 ✨ Venus Enters Cancer

Venus moves into Cancer today, reminding us that home is where the heart is. Over the coming weeks, we’re drawn to relationships that feel nurturing and safe. With Venus in the sign of the mother, you might feel like calling your mom or being around family today. We might also be eager to beautify our home as aesthetic Venus spends the day at 0º. We seek financial security during this transit as well. The Sagittarius moon doesn’t make any connections today, but her energy helps us remain optimistic and invites us to be carefree. A little party never killed nobody…

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/17/22 ✨ Venus Enters Cancer

The intuitive insights keep pouring in this Sunday as Mercury and the sun harmonize with Neptune in Pisces. These watery trines heighten our psychic sensitivities. This evening, Venus enters Cancer. But fair warning— Venus spends most of Sunday at the anaretic degree (29º) before she crosses the Cancer threshold. It will be tempting to reach for guilty pleasures or quick flings throughout the day.

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