4/20/23 ✨ Taurus Season Begins
It’s a dramatic start to Taurus Season! As the sun moves into the sign of the bull, it comes into a tense 90º square with Pluto. Intense and powerful realizations are possible today, but discomfort is par for the course. New beginnings can sometimes be disguised as rough endings. The sun and moon in Taurus invite us to find comfort through our senses. A cozy place to land or a warm meal can go a long way. The moon connects with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate this morning, reminding us whatever challenges or obstacles we’re facing are leading us on the path of our highest good. Shadows could surface in a rather hostile way tonight as the moon connects with Mars and Lilith. With Venus in the mix, our sexual nature could take centers stage too. Emotional realizations and insights are possible by the end of the day as the moon meets Mercury just hours before the planet of communication begins its retrograde.
9/19/22 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus
We’re drawn to eccentric people and quirky personality traits today as lover Venus harmonizes with Uranus. But we’re also very attuned to our own power as Venus makes a supportive connection to Lilith at the same time. We have strong desires and we can easily attract who and what we want today. The waning Cancer moon allows for emotional surrender- especially if we can find comfort in our own skin.
6/1/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Lilith
Pleasure and comfort are at the top of our priority list this Wednesday. Venus and Lilith lock into a supportive sextile, asking us to tap into our true desires and stand up for what we believe in. We’re aware of the contrast between our own wants and the needs of people around us under this transit. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon keeps us in our body and aware of our emotions.