5/23/24 ✨ Sagittarius Full Moon + Venus Enters Gemini
The Sagittarius Full Moon feels like the most joyous lunation of the year! As the moon enters Sagittarius, Venus meets Jupiter, amplifying our ability to experience love and pleasure. In fact, we may experience an almost overwhelming need to feel good today! Indulge in your senses and allow yourself to experience the freedom of having fun. Spontaneous adventure? Yes please! Moving our body is a powerful way to move through any restlessness or overexcitement. As the moon becomes full, she connects with alchemist Pluto, making transformation feel exciting. We can give gratitude for what has already fallen away and get excited about the space we’ve created for a new journey. Now is the time to rise and jump into the next chapter! As Venus enters Gemini this afternoon, we’re eager to connect with others and share our experienced. What a joy to be alive!
2/13/24 ✨ Mars Conjunct Pluto
Love and war are two sides of the same coin. Affection and compassion come easily today under a supportive sextile between Venus and Neptune. But intensity and control dominate the forecast as Mars meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Although it’s tempting to make power plays, our true power lies in our ability to show up authentically and let love flow through us. The Aries moon adds fuel to the fire, making conjunctions to Chiron and the South Node. Our irritations and triggers show us what we are ready to release so we can move forward as the truest version of ourselves.
4/7/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Mars and Venus Sextile Neptune
We have a power packed forecast today! Venus and Neptune connect in a supportive sextile, allowing us to ground higher love and spiritual wisdom into this physical reality. The waning Scorpio moon takes us deep, connecting with the Nodes of Fate, setting the stage for deep realizations about what we’re ready to release. A cosmic connection between Mercury and Mars illuminates the next steps. As you free yourself from your own chains, be careful not to lash out on others. The Scorpio moon clashes with Liltih tonight… and that might sting a little… 🌶
12/28/22 ✨ Final USA Pluto Return
On Wednesdays, we topple the patriarchy. Today, Pluto returns to the exact position it was in when the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. This is the USA’s third and final Pluto return for the next 250 years, closing out several years of intense transformation. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune connect in a supportive sextile, helping us align with higher love. Creativity and romance come naturally today. The sweet Pisces moon enhances our emotions and intuition.
6/18/22 ✨ Venus Square Saturn and Sextile Neptune
We could experience tension in relationships or fear about how we relate to others today. As Venus clashes with Saturn Retrograde, we’ll be asking whether our partnerships can stand the test of time and carry us into the future. Luckily, Venus makes a supportive angle to Neptune this Saturday night, allowing us to return to love. Leaning into creativity and art can help us connect and reach higher awareness.
2/24/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Neptune + Mercury Square Uranus
It’ll be easy to feel the love this Thursday as Venus and Neptune lock into a supportive angle. The Sagittarius moon makes us feel more generous and optimistic, but confusion or mishaps are definitely possible today. Messenger Mercury squares off to rebellious Uranus, giving us the urge to make waves or force change.
1/5/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Neptune
Positive connections in the stars make for a lovely Wednesday! Neptune and Venus form a sexy sextile with one another, making romance and love the focus. Life will feel a little more beautiful. Just be careful not to make judgments through rose-colored glasses… especially when it comes to exes or past lovers…