Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/28/24 ✨ Venus Trine Jupiter & Mercury Trine Uranus

This Sunday feels especially sunny under a harmonious trine between Venus and Jupiter. Luck and love are on our side and abundance flows to us with ease. Meanwhile, we can open to innovative ideas and new perspectives under a simultaneous harmony between Mercury and Uranus. Thinking outside the box comes naturally. Our mindset today can shift the tides of destiny.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/15/22 ✨ Venus Enters Sagittarius

It’s a positive day in the Milky Way! We experience one of the most fortunate transits today as Venus makes a balanced connection to Jupiter. It’s easy to align with romance, joy, beauty, and abundance. Financial fortune and luck in love are possible. Quite simply, pleasure feels natural today… but it’s also easy to overindulge! Late tonight, Venus moves into spontaneous Sagittarius. Over the coming weeks, we’re attracted to adventure, expansion and big love. Bold displays of affection are in the cards.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/18/22 ✨ Venus Trine Jupiter

This Jupiter Day lives up to its name with ALL the good vibes as the Great Benefic harmonizes with the planet of love, money, and beauty. When Venus and Jupiter lock into this harmonious trine, we can easily see the positive. And with both planets in fire signs, we can boldly declare our passions to the Universe and ask for more of what’s lighting us up. This is a favorable day to make investments, express our love, and enhance our beauty. Meanwhile, the Taurus moon comes into a position for peak release.

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