2/7/24 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus + Mars Sextile Neptune
Major relationships changes are in the forecast today. Venus harmonizes with Uranus and squares the North and South Nodes, forcing us to let go of past investments in order to align with our destiny. Mars gets support from Neptune, asking us to find motivation by tapping into what we believe in. The Capricorn moon makes tense connections this morning- watch out for triggers. But a shift in the energy this afternoon makes for sweet interaction and exciting opportunities. When the moon meets Mars late tonight, it will be difficult to wind down.
12/22/22 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus
A change of heart is possible today as Venus in Capricorn harmonizes with disruptive Uranus. Considering our long-term desires could lead to new insights. At the same time, we’re attracted to eccentric people, unconventional experiences, and risky investments. The dark moon in Sagittarius allows us to surrender to the unknown and have faith in what’s to come.
9/19/22 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus
We’re drawn to eccentric people and quirky personality traits today as lover Venus harmonizes with Uranus. But we’re also very attuned to our own power as Venus makes a supportive connection to Lilith at the same time. We have strong desires and we can easily attract who and what we want today. The waning Cancer moon allows for emotional surrender- especially if we can find comfort in our own skin.
2/1/22 ✨ Void Moon in Aquarius
Venus and Uranus dance in a 120º trine to one another over the course of two weeks, helping us lean into change and innovate our relationships and finances coming off of Venus’s retrograde in Capricorn. The moon is void all day. Hold the vision you set under last night’s Aquarius new moon, but wait to start taking action.
1/26/22 ✨ Venus Rx Trine Uranus
We start to feel the effects of an almost-trine between Venus and Uranus. Expect an awareness of the subtle changes happening within your relationships, finances, and what you consider beautiful. The Scorpio moon makes beautiful connections, helping us release and transform.