3/29/24 ✨ Moon Enters Sagittarius
Exhale. Release. Let it all pour out. The Scorpio moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning, giving us a slow and sleepy start to the day. The energy picks up this afternoon when the moon enters Sagittarius, inviting us to let our hair down and let go! As the moon continues her release in the sign of the archer, we can embrace the feeling of freedom. A sextile to Pluto asks us to lean into transformation. Create space for new adventures. Late tonight, a square to Mars could ruffle feathers. Aggression and irritation are possible. Beware of fighting battles that aren’t your own. Stay in your lane. The Sagittarius moon reminds us life isn’t supposed to be so serious.
3/24/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Jupiter
It’s a beautiful SUN Day! Venus and Jupiter connect in a supportive sextile, reminding us that love and abundance are always present. Generosity and affection come naturally today. The Virgo moon gives us a sleepy start as it opposes Neptune before going void for most of the morning. But when the moon enters Libra this afternoon, an eclipse portal opens. Transformation begins to unfold as the moon harmonizes with Pluto. This is an invitation to take our hands off the wheel and let tonight’s Libra Lunar Eclipse show us the way. Love can be our guiding light now.
3/12/24 ✨ Moon Enters Taurus
Take it easy. After an overnight connection to Mars, the Aries moon is void for most of the day, giving us permission to move slowly and complete unfinished projects. This is not the day to start anything new, but rather, focus on lightening the load of what you’ve already started. When the moon enters Taurus tonight, she invites us to ground into our body and appreciate the resources already within our reach. We have everything we need.
3/6/24 ✨ Mars Sextile Chiron and North Node
Healing can happen unexpectedly. Mars makes a supportive sextile to Chiron and the North Node in Aries, reminding us to keep moving forward, even if it feels a little painful in the process. We can assert our independence while remaining open to other people’s perspectives now- and in doing so, we could meet our fate. It’s a slow and sleepy start to the morning as the Capricorn moon connects with Neptune. When the waning moon enters Aquarius this evening, further detaching from our emotions and finding stillness in our bodies allows us to make space for new dreams to develop.
2/28/24 ✨ Sun and Mercury Conjunct Saturn
What lessons are you learning? What wisdom do you have the authority to share? These are the questions to ask as the Pisces sun meets Mercury and Saturn in a triple conjunction. This transit can bring crystal clarity, illuminating the challenges we’ve overcome and what we’ve learned in the process. We have the mental tenacity to “do hard things” today too. But fears and doubts could pop up in the process. If you find yourself becoming anxious or overwhelmed, slow down to Saturn’s pace- remember, there’s no rush. As the moon dives into Scorpio, it asks us to purge what no longer supports our evolution to make space for our next version to emerge.
2/23/24 ✨ Moon Enters Virgo
It’s a quiet Venus Day. We spend a majority of the day under a void moon in Leo, inviting us to tie up loose ends. This is not a day to start anything new, but rather to finish incomplete projects. When the nearly full moon enters Virgo this evening, we could feel an urge to begin analyzing our growing emotions. An opposition to Mercury makes it tempting to try to make sense of our feelings, but the key to fully understanding what is surfacing is to let ourselves fully feel.
2/1/24 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio
Don’t let the calm of the morning fool you… We wake under a void moon in Libra, bringing sleepy, meditative energy. This isn’t the time to complete anything of significance. But when the Last Quarter Moon enters Scorpio this afternoon, it’s an entirely different story! The moon immediately squares Pluto, forcing our deepest, darkest emotions to the surface in a rather volatile manner. This transit can feel explosive. Remember- what’s coming up needs to come out. Like a researcher in a lab, be the observer of the emotional reaction happening within you.
6/6/23 ✨ Moon in Capricorn
The Waning Gibbous moon in Capricorn invites introspection and processing. We tend to be more practical and less emotional as we make sense of what surfaced under the full moon. But triggers could still pop up during a square to Chiron this morning. Understanding our pain can help us heal it. Then, a trine to Uranus opens us to surprises and changes. Stay flexible today! This afternoon, harmony between the moon and Mercury brings through ideas with ease. Conversation will feel natural too. Our words can flow now. We end the day under a supportive sextile between the moon and Neptune, helping us soften and drift off to dreamland tonight.
5/31/23 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith
We wake up feeling the pull of our desires as the Libra moon squares Venus. This transit makes us feel needy for affection and pleasure. Then, we spend most of the afternoon under a void moon, giving us an opportunity to find peace and closure. When the moon dives into Scorpio this evening, a wave of intense emotions can come over us. An immediate square to Pluto makes us prone to mood swings and power struggles. But what’s surfacing is asking to be released as the moon meets the South Node, showing us what we’re ready to move away from. Watch your words late tonight! As Mercury squares Lilith, it’s all too easy to be mean or harsh in our communication. With the moon opposing Jupiter at the same time, speaking or moving too quickly could land us in hot water. Be especially mindful about what you’re expressing, how you’re communicating, and to whom.
5/26/23 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Change is in the air today and our relationships and finances are most likely affected. As Venus in Cancer connects with disruptor Uranus, we could feel a shift in our sense of security. What does safety actually mean to you? Getting clear on what we want can open us to divine encounters from the Universe to help us receive it. We spend most of this Venus Day under a void moon, inviting closure and reflection. This is not the day to start anything new. When the First Quarter Moon moves into Virgo tonight, we can expect to feel productive and motivated to tackle our to-do list this evening.
5/21/23 ✨ Gemini Season Begins
Welcome to Gemini Season! We can step into the next phase of our evolution by simply opening our mind today. As the sun enters the sign of the twins, it makes uplifting connections to Pluto and Mars, illuminating our transformation and energizing our forward momentum. Curiosity can lead to new discoveries and adventures over the coming weeks. Follow what excites you!
5/14/23 ✨ Mercury Retrograde ENDS!
Mercury Retrograde ends tonight! As the planet of communication comes to a standstill today, we are asked to take a pause and reflect on what has surfaced over the past three weeks. But don’t expect crystal clarity anytime soon- although Mercury resumes forward motion, we still experience it’s shadow period for another week and a half. Insights will likely come through slowly. Meanwhile, the waning Pisces moon keeps us in a dreamy haze.