1/16/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Pluto

✨ Happy SUN Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I accept my shadows.



When the sun and Pluto merge in Capricorn, we can experience an ego death or rebirth of self. If you’ve been proclaiming, “new year, new me,” this is your moment. We can experience a transformation of our long-term goals or subconscious desires. This transit can bring about massive shift in consciousness. But in order to fully embrace the light we must face our darkness. Sunday can feel like we’re plummeting into the depths of ourself and shedding old layers to become new again this retrograde season.

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Our emotions build under the growing Cancer moon as it we prepare for it to become full tomorrow. Create emotional security by taking care of the physical. Tend to your home and body. Nurture yourself.


The moon clashes with Chiron, forcing our pain to the surface. Pay attention to the signals your emotions are sending you. Even painful dreams can be clues. Triggered wounds can show us what we need to focus on this retrograde season.

♋️MOON QUINCUNX ♒️MERCURY (retrograde) (3:00 AM PT)

Shortly after, the moon makes an imbalanced connection to Mercury (retrograde). This could make us feel like our mind is far away from our physical body, whether in the astral realm or the 3D.

The Cancer moon gets support from changemaker Uranus in Taurus. This helps us work through emotional change and integrate the lessons we’ve been learning. We might be more aware of how different we feel since the new moon in Cancer six months ago.

Saturn and the moon form an awkward quincunx on Sunday afternoon, reminding us of our responsibilities and limits. Although emotions flow easily under a Cancer moon, Saturn restricts our expression and reminds us to be rational.

♋️MOON OPPOSITE ♑️VENUS (retrograde) (1:00 PM PT)

The moon opposes Venus (retrograde) making us feel a longing for affection and pleasure. We can have an overwhelming desire for security with these two bodies in the most protective signs. It can be easy to fall back into our comfort zone as the planet of love and money is retrograde. We’re likely to reach for anything familiar to feel good today.


The Capricorn sun merges with Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, plummeting us into our own depths so we can raise our consciousness. This marks a pivotal opportunity for transformation. If we can shed old layers and release past patterns, we experience a new sense of purpose. The Cancer moon further activates this tumultuous moment, forcing us to reflect on our pain and helping us slowly turn the wheels of change. But with the moon and sun both in the signs that most crave security, we’ll be very much tempted to resist discomfort or unfamiliarity. We must face our shadows in order to see the light.

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1/17/22 ✨ Full Moon in Cancer


1/15/22 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer