1/17/22 ✨ Full Moon in Cancer

✨ Happy Moon Day!



🌕FULL MOON AT 27º CANCER ♋️ (4:00 PM PT)

The moon becomes full in its home sign of Cancer, inviting us to get comfortable and attune to our emotions. This full moon brings nurturing energy, inviting us to tune into our divine feminine energy. The Cancer moon opposes the sun and Pluto in Capricorn, illuminating the changes we’re experiencing both internally and externally. With the world shifting all around us, this full moon asks how we can feel safe and secure in our own homes and in our own skin. This is a reminder to take care of our bodies and treat ourselves like a nurturing mother would. Safety can be found in our emotional state.

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The Cancer moon harmonizes with Neptune in Pisces, allowing subconscious messages to flow through (especially in dreams.) Psychic or intuitive downloads are possible this morning. You might feel more creative or artistic to start the week.


The moon makes an awkward connection to Mars, asking us to make emotional adjustments before taking action. Although Mars in Sagittarius makes us more prone to impulses, this is a time to pause, rest, and realign with your true feelings about the situations.


The Cancer moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn just as it’s becoming full. As Pluto pulls away from a conjunction with the sun, we are more aware of the death and rebirth cycle happening all around us. Thus can give us a strong craving for security. If the world feels chaotic around you, find internal and emotional safety in yourself.

🌕MOON ➡️ LEO ♌️ (8:00 PM PT)

The moon enters Leo just a few short hours after it is fully illuminated. As the moon begins its big release, we too can release our own emotions through creativity, expression, and movement. Leo energy loves to turn up the dramatics. Incorporate dance and art into manifestation rituals. Show up for your desires in your full power.


The first full moon of 2022 lands in its home sign of Cancer, inviting us to attune to our emotions and settle into the new year. We might experienced heightened sensitivity and strong intuition. Pay attention to any psychic downloads or messages from your guides. As the sun and Pluto pull away from yesterday’s conjunction in Capricorn, they oppose today’s full moon, illuminating the changes happening all around us and within us. This opposition plays out in the most protective and parental signs of the zodiac, we can experience an intense craving for security. Pause before taking action. Find safety in your own home, in your own body, and in your own mind. Lean into divine feminine energy and infuse creativity and playfulness into your full moon manifestation rituals. Also, call your mom if you can!!


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♋️CANCER: New year, new YOU! This full moon lands in your 1st house, bringing an opportunity to step into the next version of yourself. Take note of your emotional state. Release any beliefs holding you back from your own becoming.

♊️GEMINI: The full moon illuminates your 2nd house, putting the focus on your physical possessions. If you’re seeking security, making a financial plan for the year could put your nerves at ease. Take a moment to appreciate all the physical abundance already around you.

♉️TAURUS: Emotional conversations could flow today with this full moon landing in your 3rd house. Not only is this a great time to share anything that’s been weighing on your heart, but it’s also an opportunity to learn how to find more emotional security within yourself.

♈️ARIES: How are you taking care of yourself, Aries? As this full moon lands in your 4th house of home and family, it’s a good time to create a nurturing environment. Tidy up your home or practice a gentle self-care routine. Treat yourself as a caring mother would.

♓️PISCES: Time to get creative, Pisces. This full moon brings out your inner-child. This can help you express emotions through art, singing, dance, or play. But be careful… feeling emotionally overwhelmed could bring out your inner-toddler (ie. temper tantrum) instead.

♒️AQUARIUS: The Cancer full moon lights up your 6th house of health and service. Security can be found in your daily routine. Nourishing your body with healthy food and wellness activities can nurture your soul. Doing something for someone else can help you attune to your own emotions.

♑️CAPRICORN: You’ve been experiencing a lot of changes with conjunction-after-conjunction in your first house over the past month. As this full moon illuminates your 7th house of relationships, you can apply your newfound perspective to your relationships (romantic or platonic.) This could mark the beginning of a new chapter in your love life. Find security in yourself rather than seeking it out in a partner.

♐️SAGITTARIUS: The full moon lands in your intimate 8th house, Sagittarius, inviting you to dive deeper. This can boost the intensity of relationships or bring greater commitment to current contracts. As you assess what safety means to you, make sure you’re getting intimate with yourself before getting between the sheets with someone else. Find your inner-power.

♏️SCORPIO: This is an especially expansive full moon for you, Scorpio. Landing in your 9th house of travel and higher knowledge, you might be called to do a little research or learn something new. Allow the universe to guide you to whatever information you need in this moment. You could gain a new perspective. A change of scenery could be nurturing.

♎️LIBRA: The Cancer full moon lights up your 10th house of career, putting the focus on long-term security. As you reflect on the intentions you set during the new moon and the new year, this is a time to ask if you feel safe actually pursuing those goals. Release any emotional blocks by acknowledging your true feelings.

♍️VIRGO: Find your people. As the full moon lands in your 11th house of community, reflect on how you feel around your friend group or even in your online circle. Make sure you’re putting yourself in nurturing environments that cultivate emotional safety. If you’re feeling insecure, this is a time to ask why.

♌️LEO: The Cancer moon illuminates your 12th house, making this a potent time for psychic downloads or spiritual ascension. This full moon can give you an entirely new sense of security if you’re open to receiving messages from your angels or guides. Meditation can be a powerful tool. Tap into your inner-knowing and ask for a sign if you’re feeling unsure. There is an abundance of support all around you.

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