1/22/22 ✨ Moon Enters Libra

✨ Happy Saturn Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am open to seeing all sides.

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Saturday begins with a harmonious angle between the Virgo moon and Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect helps us navigate changes with ease and grace. We can release expectation and flow with the transformation we’re experiencing. We’re more aware of the small changes that are amounting to a massive metamorphosis.


The Virgo moon clashes with Mars in a 90º angle, which could cause tempers to flare. This is especially true if our day isn’t going according to plan or living up to our expectations. Beware of being too quick to criticize or reacting impulsively. With Mercury still retrograde, misunderstandings are likely.

🌖MOON ➡️LIBRA ♎️ (2:00 PM PT)

When the moon enters Libra, we can find more emotional balance and see all sides of situations. We enjoy being around our loved ones and we strive for harmony under the Libra moon. We are more diplomatic, but we also have a more difficult time making decisions.


The moon forms a trine with the sun and Mercury Retrograde on Saturday night, creating harmony between our emotions, our rational mind, and how we express both. Everything we do will feel more fair and equitable as these planets connect in justice-seeking air signs. This transits brings an opportunity to understand a different perspective or re-frame a current belief.


The moon’s awkward angle to Jupiter in Pisces can throw our emotional balance off-kilter on Saturday night. If you’re enjoying a night of indulgence, beware of taking things too far. It could be difficult to cut yourself off with the planet of excess in the mix.


Saturday’s story is told by the moon. As the waning gibbous moon makes its way through the last degrees of Virgo, it makes a fortunate connection to Pluto, helping us better understand the transformation we’re undergoing. But a square between the moon and Mars midday could cause conflict or reactivity. When the moon enters Libra, we can recalibrate and find emotional balance. Harmony between the Libra moon, the sun, and Mercury (rx) allows us to see from a new perspective. Whatever your Saturday night plans include, beware of overindulging as the moon makes an awkward connection to Jupiter, the planet of excess. Just before midnight, we experience Mercury Cazimi, a moment of extreme mental clarity. This brings the potential for massive breakthroughs if we can open our minds enough to allow.

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1/23/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury


1/21/22 ✨ Lilith Square Neptune