1/23/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury

✨ Happy SUN Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am a divine channel.



The transit dominating our weekend is a conjunction between the sun and Mercury Retrograde. As Mercury approaches this conjunction, its influence is burned out under the harsh rays of the sun. If it seems like people are being thoughtless or lacking mental clarity, a combination of Mercury retrograde and this conjunction could be to blame. Thoughts move through our minds more quickly and as these two bodies merge in the sky. Mental chatter could almost feel overwhelming or confusing throughout the weekend. But for a few hours overnight from Saturday into Sunday, something magical happens…’

♒️MERCURY CAZIMI (11:30 PM PT - 5:30 AM PT)

When Mercury passes through the heart of the sun, there is a brief window of mental crystal clarity. This is known as Cazimi- a transit in which the planet passing over the sun rules the solar system for just a moment, getting supercharged by its rays and overpowering its influence. This brief 6-hour window is a time to be intentional. Open your mind to receiving. A meditation or ritual would be a powerful way to use this energy to your advantage. As our spirit and Mercury align, we can experience psychic downloads or breakthroughs, giving us insights about both the past and the future. Collective consciousness can rise. But be patient— it could take a few days to begin to make complete sense of what comes through.

This transit doesn’t happen again in the sign of Aquarius until 2025. Collectively, this could be the moment a massive shift in perspective.

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The Libra moon keeps us open to seeing all sides of the situation. We crave balance and harmony, making this a perfect Sunday lunation to relax under. Tidying up the home and creating peace in your physical surroundings can bring emotional comfort. Spending time with loved ones will feel good for the soul.


The moon opposes Chiron in Aries as we’re coming out of Mercury Cazimi. This could illuminate wounds that have been ignored or neglected. As you seek out balance under the Libra moon, remember that healing is a journey, not a destination. Find peace in your own emotional state.


An awkward angle between the Libra moon and Uranus in Taurus can make us feel uneasy about change. The Libra moon makes us want to keep the peace while Uranus in Taurus wants to boldly start a revolution. Today isn’t the day to take action, but rather, find small adjustments that can create big change in the long run.

♎️MOON SQUARE ♑️VENUS (rx) (10:00 AM PT)

When the Libra moon squares off to Venus retrograde, prepare for conflict in your closest relationships. Emotions are easily rattled and minor inconveniences could turn into full-blown temper tantrums. Strive to see your partner/friend/family member’s perspective before making judgments. This aspect could make you feel like you’re ready to throw in the towel or reassess the relationship all together. Take a moment to rebalance yourself to avoid rash decisions.


The moon harmonizes with Saturn to end our weekend, helping us calmly step back into the flow of the week ahead. Preparing for Monday morning will feel easy and balanced. Taking time to stop and smell the roses can help you get into a peaceful emotional state before a new week begins.


We wake up feeling the power of Mercury’s conjunction with the Aquarius sun. Pay attention to any odd or vivid dreams- they could carry powerful messages. Profound realizations are possible as you process the early-morning Mercury Cazimi. The Libra moon makes uncomfortable connections throughout the morning, making it difficult to leave the past in the past and step into the future. Libra energy reminds us even the smallest adjustments can bring more peace and harmony into our lives. The moon and Saturn connect in a flowing angle to end our weekend, helping us to prepare for the week ahead with ease.

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1/24/22 ✨ Mars Enters Capricorn


1/22/22 ✨ Moon Enters Libra