1/24/22 ✨ Mars Enters Capricorn

✨ Happy Moon Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: My small actions support my big goals.



Get ready to make some serious moves as the planet of war moves into the sign of long-term commitments. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, making this a strong placement. This gives us the stamina to make a lasting impact with the actions we take over the next six weeks. While Mars has been in Sagittarius, our actions have been more spontaneous and optimistic. As the Red Planet shifts into Capricorn, our motivation and drive comes from a grounded, practical place. We know that taking slow and steady steps will get us to our goal faster than spur-of-the-moment moves.

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The Libra moon keeps us open to seeing all sides of the situation. We crave peace and balance to start our week. It might feel like we’re stuck in weekend mode for the first half of the day.


We could have uncomfortable or unusual dreams or this could cause issues with sleep early Monday morning. As much as you want to wake up in a balanced mood under the Libra moon, you might feel a little sleep deprived or overly tired.


The moon squares Pluto, causing emotional power struggles - either internally or externally. These two bodies have conflicting interests - the Libra moon wants to keep the peace while Pluto in Capricorn is tearing down structures. Secrets or bad habits could be exposed or transformed.

MOON IS VOID AFTER 3:00 PM - Monday evening is a time to rest. Nothing significant will come from anything started before the moon enters Scorpio.

🌗MOON ➡️SCORPIO ♏️ (8:00 PM PT)

When the moon slips into secretive Scorpio, we dive into the depths of our emotions. We feel all emotions more intensely over the next few days - our passions are heightened… but so are our sorrows. As we near the moon’s peak releasing phase, allowing deep emotions to surface can be extremely cathartic.


The moon gets support from Mars right as it enters Scorpio, giving us a renewed passion for the goals we are working toward. We’ll feel more driven and motivated as we look to the week ahead. This can also look like renewed sense of sexual passion… 🔥

♏️MOON SQUARE ♒️MERCURY (rx) (10:00 PM PT)

The moon locks into a harsh 90º angle with Mercury (retrograde), which could bring out our sassier side, especially if our passions are provoked. This transit causes conflict between our thoughts and emotions. With both bodies in fixed signs, it could be difficult to change perspective or release an attachment.


Mars moves into Capricorn bringing a renewed motivation to make moves towards long-term goals. We’re ready to get to WERK over the next 6 weeks. We start our week with the Libra moon making uncomfortable connections to Neptune and Pluto, keeping us energetically tied to the balanced energy of the weekend. But when the moon enters Scorpio and connects with Mars on Monday night, expect passions to rise! Just be careful not to get too close to the to the fire… you could get burned by the moon’s square to Mercury retrograde if you speak or act before thinking things through.

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1/25/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Moves Back into Capricorn


1/23/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury