3/21/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Saturn

✨ Happy JUPITER Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I did not come here to play small!



As Venus and Saturn meet up in Pisces, we can expect practicality around love and romance. We’re very aware of the passage of time in relationships and with our finances. We tend to be colder or less affectionate under this aspect as Saturn puts a damper on Venus’s loving energy. This conjunction can also ask us to take a serious look at our bank account and put some boundaries in place with our spending- especially with both planets in hazy and confusing Pisces. Aging might be top of mind with slow-moving Saturn’s influence on the planet of beauty as well. Don’t be surprised if difficult or sobering moments arise in closest relationships. Lessons want to be learned under this transit.

♈️ SUN SEXTILE ♒️ PLUTO (1º) 1:02 PM PT

The new Aries sun illuminates how much we’ve transformed over the last twelve seasons as it starts a new lap around the zodiac wheel. This supportive sextile to the planet of death & rebirth can help us shed any weight or energy we don’t wish to carry with us into Spring. This could mark a powerful moment to lean into rebirth. Step into the next version of ourselves.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑


It’s time to amp up the drama! As the waxing moon moves through Leo, our emotions are amplified. We can expect bigger feelings and louder expression of those feelings over the coming days. This is a time to let our inner children out to play! Let the fire within burn bright- but be careful not to let your inner toddler take control for too long. Tantrums are possible with so much fire in the forecast. Remember- we’re all feeling this energy and we all need an outlet for our emotions. Be patient with others, too.

♌️ MOON TRINE ♈️ CHIRON (18º) 1:00 AM PT

Healing happens naturally when we let ourselves be fully expressed. You might not even realize this transit is happening- but the body heals itself without the mind knowing all the time.

♌️ MOON TRINE ♈️ MERCURY (19º) 3:00 AM PT

An active mind could make for aggressive dreams or restless sleep early Thursday morning. We could wake with a lot on our mind today.

♌️ MOON SQUARE ♉️ URANUS (20º) 5:00 AM PT

Hold on… Disruptions, surprises, and breakdowns are in the forecast. Expect the unexpected. Notice the urge to rebel. Choose innovation rather than destruction.

♌️ MOON OPPOSITE ♒️ MARS (29º) 11:00 PM PT

There are two possibilities late tonight as the moon opposes Mars at the 29th degree. It’s likely we’ll feel restless- like we have too much energy. However, under this make-break-transit, we could also feel completely exhausted, like our energy reserves have run dry. This is zero or one hundred- just roll with it.


Venus and Saturn meet in Pisces today, forcing us to crack down and get serious about our relationships and finances. Where have boundaries been a little too loose? This is an opportunity to tighten them up. With Mars at the 29th degree of Aquarius all day, we’re prone to being incredibly restless and impatient. We just want to move forward, already!! A sextile between the sun and Pluto illuminates the transformation we’re undergoing, inviting us to lean into rebirth. The Leo moon connects us with our ego, asking who we want to become in this new year and how we can express ourselves more fully. But surprises and disruptions are possible today too as the moon squares Uranus. Expect the unexpected and embrace innovation.

Want to understand what the stars have in store for you?

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3/22/24 ✨ Mars Enters Pisces


3/20/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Chiron