3/21/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Saturn
Venus and Saturn meet in Pisces today, forcing us to crack down and get serious about our relationships and finances. Where have boundaries been a little too loose? This is an opportunity to tighten them up. With Mars at the 29th degree of Aquarius all day, we’re prone to being incredibly restless and impatient. We just want to move forward, already!! A sextile between the sun and Pluto illuminates the transformation we’re undergoing, inviting us to lean into rebirth. The Leo moon connects us with our ego, asking who we want to become in this new year and how we can express ourselves more fully. But surprises and disruptions are possible today too as the moon squares Uranus. Expect the unexpected and embrace innovation.
2/21/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Mars
What do you want… really? As Venus and Mars have their official meet-cute in Aquarius, we are asked to tap into our authentic desires and take action toward achieving them. Even acknowledging what we want to attract into our lives can be the first step in attaining it. Our feminine and masculine energies are working in perfect unison to help us realize what unique creations we are here to bring into the world. The moon enters Leo, igniting our passions and making our emotions feel bigger. Allow your inner child out to play as we approach the full moon, but be careful not to let your ego take the wheel!
1/23/24 ✨ Venus Enters Capricorn
What are you invested in? Venus enters Capricorn, asking is to assess what we really want in the long-term. In the coming weeks, we can ask ourselves if how we’re spending our time and money can really stand the test of time. The energy surrounding this planetary shift could leave us feeling at odds. Mercury connects with Lilith- watch your words! They could pack a punch. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon keeps us tapped into our body and attuned to our emotions. But tense connections to Mercury, Mars, and Chiron make us feel reactive or argumentative. If interactions feel cold, detached, or even hostile, come back to the warmth of your heart.
9/1/23 ✨ Moon Enters Aries
As the full moon begins her two-week release, she moves from watery Pisces to fiery Aries! This transition is an invitation to move all of the big feelings that surfaced under the super moon. Taking physical action is especially cathartic now- especially when the moon opposes Mars this afternoon. This planetary tug-of-war could make it hard to decide how to move or where to go though! If you’re feeling irritated or impulsive, slow down and take one intentional step at a time. No need to burn everything down today! Letting go takes time…
8/3/23 ✨ Pluto Rx Square North Node
We’re in the midst of a pivotal transformation. Pluto squares the Nodes of Fate, marking a turning point in our evolution. Letting go of the past isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to become who we’re meant to be. Fear or doubt will certainly pop up along the way though! That’s totally normal when the Pisces moon meets Saturn this morning. As the moon begins her release, we are asked to take time alone to reflect. Oppositions to Mercury and Mars make us want to analyze our emotions and act on them too. Rather than trying to fix the situation, ask how you can surrender more. A supportive connection from Jupiter helps us lean into faith that something better will take the place of what we’re releasing now.
7/06/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus
Keep an open mind today. Mercury connects with Uranus, bringing through intuitive insights, new ideas, and aha moments. Exciting or interesting conversations can happen too! The Aquarius moon starts the day opposing Mars, sparking a fire to get us moving! But irritation is a possible side-effect. When the waning moon enters Pisces, she invites us to let go and let it flow! Emotional flood gates open to help us cleanse the past and create space for the magic to come. If doubts or worries pop up when the moon meets Saturn tonight, lean into trust.
6/7/23 ✨ Venus Square North Node
Embracing our authenticity can create shifts in our closest relationships. Venus squares the North and South Nodes today, marking a turning point in our desires. But as the moon moves into Aquarius, she completes a Grand Cross, creating resistance to change, but also generating the friction to make it happen! Expressing ourselves freely and genuinely is key today- especially as the sun connects with Lilith, shining light on anything we’ve repressed or hidden. Allowing our deepest truths to surface is an act of freeing ourselves. Harsh or difficult interactions can show us what we truly value.
5/10/23 ✨ Venus Sextile North Node
Lean into love. We’re still processing the shifts from eclipse season and a innovative conjunction between the sun and Uranus. Change is the name of the game. And while this can be an uncomfortable process, the Universe is asking us to root into the love we have for ourselves and the people in our life. As Venus connects with the Nodes of Fate today, destined moments in relationships and finances are possible.
4/12/23 ✨ Moon in Capricorn
After a few high energy days, the Capricorn moon invites us to slow down and find a steady pace. We wake up under a trine between the moon and Mercury, allowing us to make sense of the emotions that have surfaced after the full moon. Talking with a trusted friend or doing a brain dump in your journal will feel natural today. Fair warning though- triggers could pop up this afternoon when the moon squares Chiron. Dig a little deeper and find the root of the pain. Harmony between the moon and Uranus this evening makes us excited for change and open to innovation. We’re anticipating what comes next…
3/14/23 ✨ Mars Square Neptune
Speed up or slow down? Move forward or withdraw? The energy of this Mars Day can feel confusing as the Red Planet clashes with Neptune. If you feel like you don’t even know what you want, you’re certainly not alone. This is not a day to make decisions or move forward, but instead, slow down and get a little more comfortable with uncertainty.
2/14/23 ✨ Valentine’s Day Astrology
It’s a bold day for love! ❤️ Mercury in Aquarius opposes Lilith, asking us to express ourselves authentically and powerfully claim our desires. Just be careful with how you’re communicating- “sexy” can turn to “bitchy” real quick today! The moon in Sagittarius keeps the energy light and carefree. We wake up basking in good vibes as the moon harmonizes with abundant Jupiter. It feels good to feel good and it’s easy to find the positive! As night falls, moon makes a spicy opposition to Mars. This transit can provoke irritation or anger, but if channeled wisely, it can also lead to heated chemistry… 🔥 Sexual healing is in the forecast with Chiron in the mix.
1/17/23 ✨ Moon Enters Sagittarius
It’s easy to lean into empowerment as the Scorpio moon makes supportive angles to the sun and Pluto in Capricorn this morning. Being aware of our own emotional capacity allows us to face the current transformation we’re undergoing with confidence. But wait to start anything new until the moon moves into Sagittarius around 9:30 AM PT. The coming days remind us that there’s growth opportunities in the process of letting go. Optimism and faith feel natural as the moon moves through the sign of the archer.