3/24/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile North Node

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I trust divine timing.



Pay attention when the clock hits 11:11 AM PT (or maybe 2:22 PM ET…) A powerful or purposeful download could come through if we open our senses enough to listen. As Mercury pulls away from a conjunction to Jupiter, we’re able to imagine and dream. Even random thoughts could be clues pushing us in the direction of our purpose. Mercury is still in a weak position though- wait to make any decisions until the messenger planet moves into Aries this Sunday. Use the end of the week to sit with an idea or revisit a dream. Insight can be found in stillness.

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The moon remains in social Sagittarius through Thursday morning, keeping the energy high. We’ll feel more spontaneous, but maybe a little overindulgent or reckless as well. Check yourself before you wreck yourself today.

♐️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ NEPTUNE (23º) 4:00 AM PT

If there’s a message that’s been trying to come through in your dreams, it could become more intense overnight. This harsh aspect between the moon and Neptune could also create confusion or make it feel like you’re waking up in a fog. Don’t be surprised if you feel especially sleepy to start the day.

♐️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ MERCURY (24º) 5:00 AM PT

The moon squares off to Mercury shortly after its clash with Neptune. Misunderstandings are possible. Be especially intention with words and thoughts. Although we want to feel good under the Sagittarius moon, our rational mind is especially sensitive in Pisces, making us more prone to anxiety or confusion.

VOID MOON FROM 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

The moon is void for a good part of the day, asking us to give ourselves plenty of rest. This is not the time to start a new project, but rather, tie up loose ends or resolve any disease.

🌗 MOON ➡️ CAPRICORN ♑️ (3:00 PM PT)

The moon enters serious Capricorn as is comes into its peak releasing phase on Friday. The moon is in its weakest position here, making us more detached from our intuition. We’re not quite as emotionally aware, but we are able to release more easily. With the focus on our long-term goals, we can discern what is holding us back and see the situation practically. Just be careful not to linger too much on your limits.

♑️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ SUN (4º) 10:00 PM PT

The moon forms a harsh 90º angle to the Aries sun on Thursday night. This could bring anxiety or restlessness. The Aries sun wants us to speed up, while the Capricorn moon asks us to slow down. Honor your body. Pace yourself.


As we try to make sense of any insights or downloads coming through from the Mercury-Neptune Conjunction, we could get some clues about our direction and purpose. Mercury’s next move is a supportive angle to the North Node, but we might not actually be able to decipher messages or act on them until the planet of communication moves out of cloudy Pisces on Sunday. The moon’s final connections in Sagittarius put is in a “f*ck it” kind of mood. But check yourself before you wreck yourself… we’re more prone to confusion and misunderstandings as the moon clashes with Neptune and Mercury. The moon is void for much of the day, asking us to slow down and rest. And even after the moon moves into serious Capricorn, it makes another harsh connection to the sun. With the moon in a tense or dull position literally all day, it could leave us feeling on edge.

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3/25/22 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith


3/23/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Neptune