4/12/22 ✨ Jupiter Conjunct Neptune

✨ Happy Mars Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: My faith is my guiding light.



Expect magic when Jupiter and Neptune meet up in their home sign of Pisces, an occurrence that only happens once every 166 years.

This transit adds a little sprinkle of fairy dust to our lives throughout April, but we can expect its energy to be especially potent today. Both Jupiter and Neptune hold the vibration of belief and spirituality. This is a powerful day to receive messages through the veil if we remain open. Ask for signs. Speak to your angels. Hope and optimism will be abundant. Our experience is a direct reflection of our imagination. We have the ability to transcend this physical plane and tap into the energy of universal love.

This is not the best time to make decisions or commit to anything long-term. We can be overly optimistic or even deceived when the planet of illusions and the planet of abundance meet up. Remember, experiencing this transit is like seeing through rose-colored glasses. Gambling or risk-taking could lead to a downward spiral if we get lost in a fantasy. This is not a time to take anyone else’s beliefs at face value, but rather, to explore what you hold true.

Focusing on compassion and connection to others could be the saving grace of this conjunction. Channel excess energy into creative projects. Dance, singing, and art can help us connected to a higher power.

♈️ SUN SEXTILE ♒️ SATURN (23º) 5:15 PM PT

On Tuesday night, the Aries sun locks into a 60º angle to Saturn in Aquarius, giving us an extra push to get things done. We’re able to concentrate and act with maturity under this transit. This is an opportunity to ask for advice from trusted elders as well. We can use our discernment more easily, and doing so could allow us to gain a new perspective. We have support integrating the lessons we’re learning today.


The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is supercharged by support from the North Node in Taurus. We are can easily take the lessons of the past and apply them toward our expansion. We are optimistic about the lessons we’re learning now and the direction we’re heading. The magic that comes through today will help us continue on our own personal Yellow Brick Road.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑



The Leo moon gives us a flare for dramatics, allowing us to express our feelings with ease. We’re nurtured by play and fun when the moon is in Leo. Pay attention to what lights your heart up and use it as a guide to help process emotions.

♌️ MOON OPPOSITE ♒️ MARS (27º) 2:00 AM PT

The moon opposes Mars overnight, which could make us restless. We could be awoken by a dramatic or aggressive dream. This transit can make us more impulsive or irritated, but luckily, most of us living in the US will sleep through the heightened effects. Don’t be surprised if you wake up feeling a little grumpy though…

♌️ MOON QUINCUNX ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 4:00 AM PT

As the moon makes an uncomfortable connection to Pluto early Tuesday morning, we could become aware of what needs to shift in order for us to fully surrender to the magic of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. Pay special attention to your dreams this week. They could provide insights that unlock our ability to transform and renew.

VOID MOON FROM 4:00 - 7:00 AM - Wait until 7:00 AM to start anything new!

🌔 MOON ➡️ VIRGO ♍️ 7:00 AM PT

When the moon enters Virgo, we could find ourselves analyzing our emotions and refining our plans. We’re more aware of details under this lunation and we’re nurtured by serving others. The next few days bring an opportunity to assess your daily routine and adjust health goals.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♉️ MERCURY (3º) 1:00 PM PT

The moon and messenger Mercury harmonize in earth signs, helping us ground the downloads coming through from the etherial realm under the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. This is a moment of clarity among the hazy magic. Our emotions are balanced with our rational mind. Our focus on self is balanced with our love for others. Conversations this afternoon could feel especially beautiful.

♍️ MOON OPPOSITE ♓️ VENUS (8º) 11:00 PM PT

When the moon opposes Venus in Pisces, we could feel extremely needy. This transit makes us crave affection regardless of which zodiac signs it plays our in; but with the moon in the particular sign of Virgo opposing Venus in sensitive Pisces, our desperation could reach new levels. Fantasy might be your friend… especially if it involves serving yourself.


♉️ NORTH NODE SEXTILE ♓️ NEPTUNE (exact on 4/14)


The most *magical transit of the month, year- maybe even the decade- is exact this Tuesday. Abundant Jupiter meets up with dreamy Neptune in their home sign of Pisces. This mashup of cosmic energy adds a big sprinkle of pixie dust to our lives, expanding our ability to dream big and imagine. Just be careful not to get too caught up in a fantasy- you could miss out on some red flags while looking through rose-colored glasses. Both of these planets form a supportive angle to the North Node, inviting us to follow the Yellow Brick Road. Meanwhile, the Aries sun gets support from Saturn, helping us use discernment. The moon moves into analytical Virgo this morning, helping us observe details and refine our plans. A harmonious trine between the moon and Mercury gives us a moment of clarity among the hazy energetic landscape. We end the day with the moon opposing Venus, making us feel especially needy for affection and comfort.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


4/13/22 ✨ Moon Trine Uranus


4/11/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun