5/3/22 ✨ Jupiter Sextile Pluto
✨ Happy Mars Day!
AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I allow the waters of change to wash over me.
This is a moment of spiritual rebirth. Spontaneous transformation is possible when abundant Jupiter forms a sextile to alchemist Pluto. Our own personal power is amplified, making it easy to influence others. It’s worth pulling a direct quote from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand for today’s forecast: “Either this transit will transform you by transforming your surroundings, or you will become the vehicle through which your world is transformed.”
This transit extends from April 29 - May 8, amplifying the power of this already chaotic eclipse season. Change is here.
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The Gemini moon makes us feel more social and curious. We’re more likely to process emotions by sharing with others or processing through words. We’ll be more receptive to new information. Our mood can change quickly under a Gemini moon, though. Slow down…
♊️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ MARS (13º) 6:00 AM PT
The moon squares off to Mars, making us more impulsive and reactive. It could feel like theres a clash between the need for a plan and the urge to go with the flow. This energy might manifest as feeling out of control or just plain frustrated. With Mars in Pisces, it’s easier to act from a place of empathy… as long as we slow down long enough to remember our true intentions.
♊️ MOON SEXTILE ♈️ CHIRON (14º) 8:00 AM PT
The Gemini moon forms a supportive angle to Chiron in Aries, furthering the emotional realizations on our healing journey. Among all of the transformative energy, this could feel like a brief recognition or moment of awareness. Give yourself credit for how far you’ve come.
♉️ SUN SEXTILE ♓️ MARS (exact on 5/7), ♓️ MARS SEXTILE ♉️ URANUS (exact tomorrow)
This Mars Day marks a pivotal moment along our transformational journey as Jupiter comes into an exact sextile with Pluto. These two planets hang out within 60 degrees of each other between April 29 and May 8, amplifying the energy of an already intense eclipse season. Spiritual rebirth and rapid ascension are possible today. The Gemini moon keeps us curious and mercurial- our mood could change on a dime. This morning, the moon squares off to Mars and gets support from Chiron. We could feel more irritable or frustrated, but upsets or outbursts could lead to healing moments. Go with the flow. Allow.