6/23/22 ✨ Lilith Square Jupiter

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I deserve to feel pleasure.


♋️ LILITH SQUARE ♈️ JUPITER (7º) not exact

Powerful urges could come through this week as Lilith in Cancer forms a loose square to Jupiter in Aries. These two planets never officially lock into that 90º angle, but we feel tension between them throughout the week. Lilith represents what we’ve repressed or ignored. This could bring our body’s physical needs to the forefront in a powerful way. We have an intense desire to be seen, feel good, and let loose. We’re quick to reach for pleasure. At the same time, we want our autonomy to be honored, making our wild side rise to the surface. This transit makes us fiercely independent and gives us a primal urge to rise up… or even to rebel. Jupiter’s influence brings confidence, but we’re more focused on our own needs now than the needs of the people around us.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑


🌗 MOON ➡️ TAURUS ♉️ (4:58 AM PT)

The waning moon gets comfortable as it moves into Taurus, making us crave relaxation. This is a time in the moon’s cycle when we’re asked to let go and surrender. Finding a cozy environment to rest your body is favored. Self-care is one of the best ways to release tension now.

♉️ MOON SEXTILE ♋️ SUN (2º) 9:00 AM PT

Slowing down will feel natural as the Taurus moon supports the Cancer sun. Listening to our body is the easiest way to lean into this energy. We crave physical comfort and safety. Our emotions are working hand-in-hand with our expression, helping us find time for self-care and relaxation. Home is where the heart is today.


When the moon makes a supportive connection to Lilith, we can tap into our body’s power easily. We might not have the most energy today, but we’ll still feel an urge to find physical pleasure and allow our inner desires to be realized. Gentle movement is a great way to lean into this energy. Self pleasure will feel especially fulfilling.


Self care is the name of the game today. Our body has been sending us powerful signals throughout the week as Lilith in Cancer forms a loose square to Jupiter in Aries. Our inner wild child might want to come out to play and we have an intense need to be satisfied. Anything we’ve been suppressing or ignoring is demanding to be noticed now- especially when it comes to our physical desires. The moon enters Taurus, asking us to relax and release. This is an invitation to slow down and find comfort. The moon forms a supportive connection to the sun, making it easy to identify our emotional needs. We end the day with more support between the moon and Lilith, helping us listen to our body’s urges, honor its innate wisdom, and lean into pleasure.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


6/24/22 ✨ Taurus Moon Conjunct Uranus


6/22/22 ✨ Venus Enters Gemini