7/3/22 ✨ Moon Enters Virgo

✨ Happy SUN Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: My intentions are pure.

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The Leo moon makes its final connections, helping us tap into the passion behind the intentions we set under the new moon. We are connected to our heart, making us more bold and passionate.

♌️ MOON TRINE ♈️ MARS (28º) 2:00 AM PT

You might find yourself getting a late-night (or early-morning) burst of energy as the Leo moon harmonizes with Mars in a fiery trine. This gives us ample motivation to keep the party going. We can act from our heart and stand up for what we believe in. This energy is fun and lively - even dreams could be action-packed!

VOID MOON (2:00 - 5:30 AM PT)

Sunday morning asks for rest as the void moon moves through the final degrees of Leo. Sleep in and give yourself a break now before the Virgo moon ramps up expectations again.

🌓 MOON ➡️ VIRGO ♍️ (5:32 AM PT)

When the moon moves into the sign of the Virgin, we crave productivity. We’re in full-blown planning mode, paying special attention to all the little details. The Virgo moon asks us to be of service to others, but fair warning: it’s easy to be overly critical in the process.

♍️ MOON SEXTILE ♋️ LILITH (8º) 10:00 PM PT

The moon gets support from Lilith to end our weekend, helping us lean into our sovereignty and power. The pure Virgo moon reminds us of our own control over our sacred vessels. Criticism could turn to bitchiness really quickly though!


Restless night? A harmonious connection between the Leo moon and Mars might have kept the party going past midnight or caused you to wake from your sleep. But we start our Sunday under a Virgo moon, bringing a shift in energy. We’re in productivity mode now, drafting our to-do lists and executing them at max efficiency. We’re nurtured by activities that support our health and wellness. This feels like a transition day between an energetically jam-packed Saturday and holiday festivities for the Fourth of July. When the Virgo moon forms a sextile to Lilith late Sunday night, we crave control. Taking some alone time might be helpful. Our need to have things done how we want them could translate as bitchy under this aspect.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


7/4/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Cancer and Mars Enters Taurus


7/2/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Saturn and Square Neptune