7/4/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Cancer and Mars Enters Taurus

✨ Happy Moon Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I know what I desire.



When Mars moves into the sign of the bull, we are more determined and steadfast in the actions we're taking. We can act from a grounded place, helping us pace ourselves. While we may move a little slower now, our actions carry greater weight as they are more aligned with our values. Sensuality is infused into our every step. We are motivated by security and comfort, giving us more grit to get what we want.


We can find more nurturing thoughts and words when messenger Mercury enters Cancer. We might not even need to communicate verbally- our ability to make others feel safe through physical touch is even more effective now. A hug is worth a thousand words over the next three weeks. But when we do speak, our words will be infused with tender emotion. Our decisions will be heavily influenced by our feelings and intuition. Conversations with family will feel especially enriching. Babies on the brain? We could be thinking or talking about our family dynamics as well.


At the same time both planets move into new signs, Mercury and Mars connect with each other, bringing a surge of mental energy. We could experience a late-night influx of ideas or a boost of courage to speak our mind. We’re able to be more direct, assertive, and honest in our communication. This is also a favorable transit for crossing difficult tasks off our to-do list- especially around the home. With Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Taurus, we could find the gumption to start a conversation about family planning. We might also feel especially flirty and seductive thanks to this supportive angle. We know what we want now.

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The Virgo moon makes us feel productive and capable, especially as it nears the first quarter phase. We are focused on our overall health and the small tasks we need to achieve to contribute to our wellness. We tend to be more focused on details under a Virgo moon, making us more prone to criticism and perfectionism.

♍️ MOON SEXTILE ♋️ SUN (12º) 5:00 AM PT

We start the day with confidence as the moon and sun lock into a supportive sextile. Our emotions are working hand-in-hand with our outward expression, making this a great time to socialize. We are more confident in our own abilities and eager to connect with others.

♍️ MOON SQUARE ♊️ VENUS (13º) 7:00 AM PT

Intense cravings could overcome us as the day picks up speed. The Virgo moons forms a harsh square to Venus in Gemini, giving us an urge to feel pleasure. This could bring a tense moment in close relationships as we’re more focused on having our own needs met. Watch the tendency to criticize partners or friends under this aspect. Over indulgence is a big possibility this 4th of July.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♉️ URANUS (17º) 3:00 PM PT

We experience a positive shift this afternoon as the Virgo moon harmonizes with Uranus. An unexpected occurrence could change your plans for the evening. We’re excited and open to possibilities under this aspect. A surprise would be most welcome. Whatever this disruption looks like, it will bring good fortune in the future.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♉️ NORTH NODE (19º) 7:00 PM PT

As the day winds down, the moon makes a flowing connection to the North Node. We can easily see our purpose and the path ahead now. Fireworks lighting up the night sky could spark inspiration about the direction we’re heading.


Happy Birthday, America! As we celebrate the USA’s solar return, we experience some major energetic shifts. Late tonight, Mercury moves into Cancer, putting the focus on our home and family. Our thoughts and words are infused with emotion over the coming weeks. At the same time, Mars enters Taurus, allowing us to dig deeper into our motivation and move forward with more grit and determination. Mercury and Mars form a supportive angle to each other as they enter new territory, helping us act and think with confidence. We might even feel a little flirty under the light of the fireworks… The Virgo moon makes us feel productive and capable throughout the day. We start our morning feeling good under a positive connection between the sun and moon, but intense cravings could kick in when Venus forms a tense square to la luna. By the afternoon, we could experience a big surprise or change in plans as the moon harmonizes with Uranus. This fortunate connection will make us feel excited about the future, especially as the moon and North Node make the same angle shortly after. The path ahead looks bright.

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7/5/22 ✨ Moon Enters Libra


7/3/22 ✨ Moon Enters Virgo