8/8/22 ✨ Lion’s Gate Portal

✨ Happy Moon Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am open to receive.



The Lion’s Gate Portal opens every year from July 26 through August 12. For thousands of years, cultures around the world have observed the Sirius star system. Ancient Mayans and Egyptians observed the brightest star in the sky rising at dawn just before the sun as a rebirth. They even created their calendars around this astronomical phenomenon. Both cultures celebrate their new years around July 26 and in Egypt, Sirius can be seen rising between the ancient pyramids of Giza. During this time, the Nile would also flood, signifying abundance.

Spiritually, the Lion’s Gate Portal is believed to bring rapid ascension as we can clearly observe Sirius in the morning sky. Sirius had been given names like our “spiritual sun” and the “God star” because of its brightness. It’s associated with potent spiritual truths that can be downloaded just by looking at it or aligning with this energy. Sirius is also associated with a species of Starseeds that many believe came to Earth to help save humanity. Sirians are associated with royalty, adding an element of wealth, abundance, and manifestation.

The 2022 Lion’s Gate Portal feels especially potent because Sirius and Lilith are conjunct at 13º-14º Cancer. Because Sirius is associated with awakening and ascension and Lilith represents our need for equality and sovereignty, this can be a potent moment to recognize our power. This portal opens a recognition of our ability to take control and assert ourselves. This is a powerful moment for the Divine Feminine.


The Lion’s Gate Portal also happens to fall on 8/8, which is a powerful day in its own right. The number 8 represents luck and balance. When turned on its side, the number 8 is an infinity symbol, representing infinite possibilities and abundance. In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered the luckiest number of all, and is purposefully worked into wedding dates, birth dates, addresses, and finances. Even in the world of Numerology, there are people who have been known to change their name in order to add more 8s to their Numerology chart, hoping to emulate this number's level of accomplishment.

♌️ SUN TRINE ♈️ CHIRON rx (16º) 1:00 PM PT

The Sun harmonizes with Chiron on this very potent day, amplifying the healing potential. By tapping into our heart this Leo season, we can reflect on how much we’ve already healed and observe where there’s still opportunity to find more peace. The powerful downloads we receive during the Lion’s Gate portal can unlock new modalities for healing and help us ascend in consciousness.

♋️ VENUS OPPOSITE ♑️ PLUTO rx (26º) 10:22 PM PT

Intense moments in relationships are possible when the planet of love and the planet of death and rebirth lock into an opposition. Power plays and manipulation tactics are possible in our closest relationships and any imbalances will be highlighted now. We could also experience a compulsive attraction under this aspect. Be careful not to get swept away in a feeling… it could lead down an aggressive or tumultuous path. Venus also rules our money and beauty. Watch our for compulsive tendencies in these areas as well. Knee jerk decisions now could cause regret later.

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The waxing gibbous moon in Sagittarius gives us ample energy and optimism to start the week. Moving our body and sharing with others can help us release stored emotions.

♐️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (25º) 4:00 AM PT

Restless sleep or shocking dreams? We can thank a square between the moon and Neptune for that. While we have ample emotional energy under the Sagittarius moon, Neptune in Pisces is trying to sort things out in our subconscious mind. This can cause confusion about what important messages are trying to come through and what spontaneous neurons are firing off in our sleep.

VOID MOON - 6:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Take it slow this morning. Don’t start anything new this Monday until the afternoon.


The waxing gibbous moon moves into a place of weakness in Capricorn. With the moon in the sign of the sea goat, we can be disconnected from our intuition. We’re more concerned with practical, responsible solutions to emotional issues now. We might find ourselves thinking about long-term goals and plans rather than focusing on the present moment.





It’s one of the luckiest days of the year! 8/8 not only carries the abundant energy of the number 8 in numerology, but it also marks the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal. This is a time ancient cultures around the world would observe Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rising just before the sun. Sirius has been called our “Spiritual Sun” as it’s associated with spiritual breakthroughs and rapid ascension in consciousness. This Lion’s Gate Portal is especially potent though, because Sirius is conjunct Dark Moon Lilith. The realizations we’re having now likely involve recognizing our power and reclaiming our sovereignty. This is a powerful moment for the Divine Feminine. On top of all of this, the Leo sun is harmonizing with Chiron, amplifying the potential for healing as we gain greater understanding. Late tonight, Venus opposes Pluto, causing intense moments in our closest relationships. Watch out for being compulsive or reactive in love, money, and beauty. Getting carried away could cause a full collapse. The moon moves into Capricorn this afternoon, distancing us from our intuition and asking us to process our emotions through logic and responsibility.

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8/9/22 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury + Uranus


8/7/22 ✨ Venus Trine Neptune + Mars Square Saturn