8/22/22 ✨ Virgo Season Begins

✨ Happy Moon Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: There is beauty in the fine print.


☀️ SUN ➡️ VIRGO ♍️ (8:16 PM PT)

Welcome to Virgo Season! The sun enters the sign of the virgin this Monday night, ushering in a period of clarity. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, giving us the ability to hone in on details, make meticulous plans, and get sh*t done! With our daily routine in focus over the next month, we can easily assess how small habits are serving our overall wellness. Our communication and actions are backed by considerable intention, but Virgo is known for perfectionist tendencies. With the highest expectations in the zodiac, it’s important not to project our standards onto others- we tend to be more critical during Virgo transits. Instead of focusing on how people can serve you, focus of how you can be of service to others. This is a Virgo strong suit.

♍️ MERCURY TRINE ♑️ PLUTO rx (26º) 2:58 PM PT

Deep thoughts and conversations are possible today as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto. This is a powerful day to go within. Self analysis can reveal profound truths. In the same breath, it’s easy to overanalyze or obsess under this transit. Rather than trying to control, allow conversations to unfold and information to be revealed. But if you do have a project to tackle, this transit can provide intense concentration and willpower. If we’re open, insights can flow through from our subconscious mind. Intimate conversations are possible today too and other people have the power to influence us greatly. In the same breath, we can make a profound impact on others through dialogue today too.


For the next two weeks, speedy Mercury begins to slow down- or at least that’s how it appears from here on Earth. Pay attention to any glitches that issues that pop up in this window. We’ll likely revisit them when Mercury stations retrograde from September 9 - October 2.

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The waning moon enters Cancer on Sunday evening, asking us to clear out our home and make space to start Virgo season with a clean slate. Comfort and clarity go hand-and-hand in the coming days. Getting cozy in our environment could involve a bit of purging- physically and emotionally.

♋️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ JUPITER rx (7º) 8:00 AM PT

We wake up with a burst of energy and optimism as the moon squares Jupiter. This transit makes us feel like we can tackle anything today. But fair warning- it’s definitely easy to go overboard under this aspect too… We have an urgent need to feel good to pacify our sensitive emotions. You might find yourself mindlessly reaching for comfort food.


Sensitive emotions could turn to major triggers as the moon meets up with Lilith and squares Chiron. Sure, these connections only involve asteroids, but these two in particular tend to pack a pinch! We’re more prone to being bitchy or controlling with Lilith influencing the moon. Emotions stored in the dark corners of our body can be revealed. The square to Chiron gives us an urgent need to address old trauma- which could make tempers flare if we let our emotions take over.


Virgo season has arrived! The sun enters the sign of the Virgin tonight, welcoming a month of purity and clarity. We can expect a heightened awareness of the details now- making this a great opportunity to review daily routines and edit current projects. But perfectionism can easily take over too. Watch out for the tendency to be critical or force your expectations on others. Meanwhile, Mercury in Virgo forms a harmonious angle to Pluto in Capricorn, allowing for deep analysis. Profound truths can surface if we’re willing to go deep within or have intimate conversations with others. The moon is at home in Cancer, inviting us to use our intuition and nurture ourselves. A square between the moon and Jupiter gives us a burst of energy and optimism as we wake up this Moon Day. We end the day with a meeting of the moon and Lilith, bringing up powerful feelings and a need for control. At the same time, the moon clashes with Chiron, triggering past pain. Intense moments can lead to breakthroughs today if we’re able to be the witness of our emotions.

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8/23/22 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune


8/21/22 ✨ Mercury Opposite Neptune