11/19/21 ✨ Taurus Full Moon + LUNAR ECLIPSE

✨ Happy Venus Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I find stability in stillness.



Friday morning brings the longest lunar eclipse in more than 500 years!! Historically, eclipses have been feared because of the energetic shifts that can accompany them. This a time where we become aware of our own shadows as the Earth casts its own shadow on the full moon. Because the moon, sun, and earth are all in alignment, eclipses can be viewed as portals of transformation, bringing major changes.

This lunar eclipse is the first on the Taurus / Scorpio axis, marking the beginning of a two year cycle. From now until October 2023, we will experience themes of values/self worth, income/investments, acceptance/control, and sensuality/sexuality play out. We could also see a greater focus on the state of our planet and the destruction that humans are causing.

Individually, this eclipse gives us a preview of what’s to come in 2022 when the moon’s north node shifts into Taurus next January. While it opens a new chapter, Friday also marks the beginning of eclipse season- the following New Moon on December 4 is the final solar eclipse on the Gemini Sagittarius axis.

The next two weeks could be a bit chaotic. This is a window of change, which usually isn’t comfortable, but we can use the energy of the Taurus Full Moon to get grounded and comfortable in our own skin. Acknowledge your own self-worth by nourishing your body.

Eclipses are a time to observe. Manifestation rituals are not recommended under this lunation. Try a self-care ritual instead. Focusing on inner-peace can help you navigate uncharted waters if the next few weeks bring a change in course.


🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔

🌕MOON ➡️GEMINI ♊️ (6:30 AM PT)

Not long after this morning’s eclipse, the moon moves into Gemini. This brings a buzz of communication ahead of the weekend. We’ll enjoy talking with others and making connections over the next few days.


The moon meets up with the North Node in Gemini, opening up conversations about the future. We might get a glimpse of our soul’s purpose as these two energies merge. Think about everything you’ve learned over the past few years as we enter eclipse season.


The moon makes positive connections to Saturn and Chiron, reminding us that healing takes time. The morning’s eclipse marked the beginning of a new journey. The chatty Gemini moon can help us talk about our plan for the future and sort out anything that might be holding us back from taking the next steps. This aspect can also give us more patience to move through any difficult situations with practicality and empathy.


Did you witness history?! Friday morning’s lunar eclipse is the longest since the 1400’s! As the Earth casts its shadow on the full moon, we can sit with our shadows too. This Scorpio season has been revealing limiting beliefs and preparing us for transformation. The Taurus eclipse marks the beginning of a new cycle, giving us a preview of the next two years. The next couple weeks could get a bit rocky with another eclipse on December 4 ending the cycle on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis. You’ve navigated stormy waters before. The universe will not send you anything you can’t handle. Get grounded in stillness. Find safety in your body. Lean into self-care.


(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♉️TAURUS: This full moon lands in your first house, bringing a shift to your identity. Reflect on your own self-worth. You could see yourself or your purpose in a new light in the coming weeks.

♈️ARIES: This lunar eclipse could reveal what you truly value. The full moon lands in your second house, marking the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship with money or your physical possessions.

♓️PISCES: The Taurus Full moon can help you get grounded in your communication with others. This eclipse might open you up to other perspectives or ideas. Take a student’s approach.

♒️AQUARIUS: This full moon could bring an awakening of feminine energy or a deeper connection to the women in your life. The eclipse could reveal hidden family dynamics or allow you to see your childhood in a different light.

♑️CAPRICORN: This eclipse marks the beginning of new creation for you, Capricorn. Tap into your inner-child and express yourself under this full moon. Lean into joy. The results could take you somewhere unexpected.

♐️SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus moon activates your 6th house of health and routine. This could reveal where you’ve been neglecting your wellness or how your habits are affecting your body. Take note of any health issues now— they could become more pronounced in the next two years. Celebrate your body with some self-care.

♏️SCORPIO: You might see a shift in your relationship with others under this full moon. This could mark the beginning of a relationship or a new phase. The eclipse could reveal hidden desires in a partnership.

♎️LIBRA: How much of your energy are you giving away for free? The full moon in your 8th house asks you to check the power dynamics of any contracts, joint ventures, or sexual relationships.

♍️VIRGO: The Taurus Lunar Eclipse lands in your 9th house, opening a new chapter of expansion and exploration. This full moon, celebrate how much you’ve learned so far this year, but be open to what you still don’t understand.

♌️LEO: Issues around your career and long-term goals could narrate the next two years. Pay attention to your relationship with money and/or your relationship to father figures.

♋️CANCER: This Taurus full moon reminds you of your connection to Earth and all the other humans on it. The eclipse could bring a shift to friendship dynamics or change how you relate to groups. Focus on your future self. Whoever is meant to grow with you will come along for the ride.

♊️GEMINI: This eclipse can act as a release for you, Gemini. As we say goodbye to Scorpio season this weekend, you can say goodbye to beliefs that no longer serve you. This is your chance to wipe the slate clean. You are ready to heal.

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