11/20/21 ✨ The last day of Scorpio Season

AFFIRMATION OF THE WEEKEND: I honor my growth and claim my power.




Mercury in Scorpio squares off to Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday afternoon, forcing us to zoom out and see the bigger picture. We could have grand thoughts or ideas under this transit. Beware of making big plans without thinking things through - it’s easy to overlook details with this mashup. This could also make it a little more difficult to filter our communication. Slow down to avoid a foot-in-mouth situation.


🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔


The Gemini moon makes for a social weekend. We’ll enjoy being around others and talking about current events. Make time to nurture your mental health under this transit. The moon reaches its farthest point from Earth on Saturday - our emotions may feel out of reach.


The Gemini moon forms an imbalanced angle to Venus at the same time it aligns with Lilith (aka the “dark moon”) Lilith marks the point in the moon’s path farthest from Earth. You can think of her as the Bad Bitch of the zodiac, claiming her inner power and refusing to submit to anyone. This transit could make us a little bitchier as well… Watch your words. Our emotions of the moment aren’t aligned with our long-term desires.


By mid-day, the moon makes another awkward connection to Mars. You might get side-tracked easily under this transit as your motivation plays a balancing game with your emotional state. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all your to-dos, do a little brain dump and make a list.


Saturday night, the Gemini moon challenges Neptune in Pisces. We could have intense dreams under this lunation - especially with the moon in such a mentally-activating sign. Our subconscious can greatly influence our mood under this transit. Pay attention to your dreams tonight and take note of any habits or attachments your subconscious brings forth.


The moon reaches its farthest point from Earth, giving us a last glimpse at our own dark side on the last full day of Scorpio Season. As the moon joins Lilith, we can recognize the power that lies in our shadows. Honor what you’ve learned about yourself. Claim your darkness. We will start to feel the energy of transition today as the sun spends its final stretch in Scorpio. While an activating angle between Mercury and Jupiter forces us to think about the future (aka Sag szn,) the Gemini moon’s awkward connections to Venus, Mars, and Neptune can make us feel confused about what we really want. Try not to get caught up in a head game. We’ll be in a whole new energy by the end of the weekend.

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