Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/23/22 ✨ Scorpio Season Begins

Get ready to go deep! Scorpio Season begins this Sunday! As the days get darker and the leaves begin to fall, we become more aware of our own death and rebirth. This is the season to face the truth. Getting intimate and vulnerable (with ourself and others) can allow us to see what needs to be released to create a more fertile soil for our next phase of growth. Not only does the sun enter Scorpio, but Venus plunges into the sign of the alchemist along with it. Expect relationships to reach new depths over the coming weeks.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/22/22 ✨ Venus Cazimi + Saturn Direct

We have a power-packed day in the Milky Way! The morning begins with the Virgo moon making her final connections. Tense angles to Neptune and Mars could start the day with agitation or confusion, but a trine to Pluto by midday allows us to emotionally alchemize. The most potent transit of the day is a conjunction between the sun and Venus- aka Venus Cazimi. This transit is incredibly heart-opening, and the surge of love it brings can cause major realizations in relationships and finances.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/26/22 ✨ Sun Square Mars

The tension builds as we prepare for the Virgo New Moon. This Friday is mostly quiet… until evening falls. We spend the day under a void moon in Leo, inviting us to tie up loose ends and finish open projects to close out this cycle feeling accomplished. Wait to start anything new until the weekend- or even next week. The dark moon enters Virgo as the week comes to a close, asking us to take a moment to get crystal clear on the intentions we want to set under the new moon tomorrow. What do you want to accomplish in the cycle ahead?

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/20/21 ✨ The last day of Scorpio Season

As the moon joins Lilith, we can recognize the power that lies in our shadows. Honor what you’ve learned about yourself. While an activating angle between Mercury and Jupiter forces us to think about the future, the Gemini moon’s awkward connections to Venus, Mars, and Neptune can make us feel confused about what we really want. Try not to get caught up in a head game.

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