10/22/22 ✨ Venus Cazimi + Saturn Direct

✨ Happy Saturn Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: Only love is real.



This Saturday marks an auspicious moment to experience the power of love. As Venus passes through the exact heart of the sun, she infuses her magic into our energy source. Her powers are illuminated, almost overpowering the sun for a moment.

We could feel a shift or receive downloads in the hour surrounding this Cazimi. Breakthroughs in romance, finance, and how we can attract what we desire are all possible. With this potent conjunction happening at the anaretic degree (29º), we could feel eager to move into the next phase of a partnership or financial endeavor. Insights about how to take the next step could be revealed. But at the core of this transit, we’re reminded that love is the only universal truth. Aligning with love will open us to the magic of this Cazimi.

The last time Venus and the sun met up in the sign of Libra was on September 24, 1879 at 0º. This is a completion of a cycle that began 143 years ago. 143 is often used as shorthand for “I love you.”

♎️ MERCURY TRINE ♒️ SATURN rx (18º) 6:00 PM PT

Serious thoughts dominate our mindset as Mercury harmonizes with Saturn. Mercury in Libra can make us indecisive as weigh multiple perspectives. Saturn helps us lean into our inner authority and make responsible decisions. We are more concerned with practical matters and we could have moments where things just seem to make sense today. We want clear-cut answers now that follow airtight logic. With Saturn retrograde, we can look back to the past assess how to build a more solid plan for the future.


Another annual retrograde ends as Saturn stations direct. Over the past four months, we’ve been collectively reviewing rules and restrictions. With the planet of structure moving forward again, we can resume the creation of new systems and guidelines. This retrograde might have revealed doubts or fears. We can use the awareness we’ve gained to move past limiting beliefs. If you’ve been pondering a new endeavor, Saturn is on your side to keep climbing towards success.

As Saturn stations direct, he pulls away from his final square to Uranus until 2043 this weekend.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑



The waning crescent moon enters Virgo, highlighting the duality between control and surrender. There’s an innocence and purity to the Virgo moon, reminding us that letting go can be clarifying. This is the time to wipe the slate clean ahead of the solar eclipse. Release perfectionism and focus on presence.

♍️ MOON OPPOSITE ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (23º) 6:00 AM PT

The moon opposes Neptune on Saturday morning, keeping us in a sleepy haze. It will be tempting to stay in bed a little longer than normal. But even in our waking state, our sensitivities are heightened during this transit. We can be confused about our own feelings as the boundaries are blurred between our own needs and the needs of others. Protect your energy and beware of deception. The veil is thin right now. Contact from other realms is possible.

♍️ MOON SQUARE ♊️ MARS (25º) 10:00 AM PT

We pick up steam as the moon squares Mars. This transit makes us feel restless, irritated, and even reactive. We have an urge to make moves and get sh*t done. But we lack patience if it feels like people are slowing us down.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♑️ PLUTO (26º) 11:00 AM PT

Harmony between the moon and Pluto allows for a shift in energy. As Venus begins to pass through the heart of the sun, powerful realizations and emotional alchemy is possible. As we become the analyst of our own experience, we can understand the bigger transformation unfolding.


The moon is void for most of the afternoon, allowing us to experience the most powerful transits of the day with little emotional influence. Clear mind. Clear heart.

🌘 DARK MOON ➡️ LIBRA ♎️ (6:24 PM PT)

As the waning crescent moon enters its darkest phase in Libra, asking us to find peace in the pause before the solar eclipse. We’re nurtured by our relationships tonight, allowing us to find common ground. With Venus taking over for the sun today, we can find a sense of ease by tapping into our ability to love.

♎️ MOON OPPOSITE ♈️ JUPITER rx (0º) 7:00 PM PT

As the moon enters Libra, it opposes Jupiter in Aries. We’ll feel especially generous- especially towards the people we love. But our selflessness and craving for pleasure could tip our emotional scales, making it easy to go overboard. Watch out for overindulgence and overspending this Saturday night.




We have a power-packed day in the Milky Way! The morning begins with the Virgo moon making her final connections. Tense angles to Neptune and Mars could start the day with agitation or confusion, but a trine to Pluto by midday allows us to emotionally alchemize. The most potent transit of the day is a conjunction between the sun and Venus- aka Venus Cazimi. This transit is incredibly heart-opening, and the surge of love it brings can cause major realizations in relationships and finances. Mercury harmonizes with Saturn in the final moments of the ringed planet’s retrograde, setting the stage for clear and practical conversations and giving us mental discipline. When Saturn stations direct tonight, we have a better understanding of the lessons we’ve been learning and the hardships we’ve walked through in the process. The dark moon enters Libra this evening, asking us to find peace in the act of surrender. But an immediate opposition to Jupiter makes it easy to tip our scales this Saturday night. Beware of overindulging and overspending.


Pay attention to which house is ruled by Libra in your natal chart. That will give you insight into which area of your life this Cazimi is activating.

Harness the power of the Cazimi by leaning into your own Venus sign!!!

VENUS IN LIBRA - be in relationship - romantic or platonic, find balance

VENUS IN SCORPIO - have sex or give yourself pleasure, perform a witchy ritual

VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS - be the life of the party! Go out, have fun, be extra

VENUS IN CAPRICORN - lean into family, reach out to a relative

VENUS IN AQUARIUS - share your unique musical or artistic style with your community

VENUS IN PISCES - get sentimental, express your love through creativity

VENUS IN ARIES - move your body! exercise, dance, or even have a little competition

VENUS IN TAURUS - lean into luxury, have a beautiful meal, take a bath, or enjoy the finer things in life

VENUS IN GEMINI - be around friends, learn, have conversations about love, beauty, and money,

VENUS IN CANCER - call your mom, nurture yourself and others, beautify your home

VENUS IN LEO - dance, play, perform, have fun!!

VENUS IN VIRGO - do a random act of kindness, lean into service, clean up your aesthetic

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


10/23/22 ✨ Scorpio Season Begins


10/21/22 ✨ Virgo Moon Trine Uranus