11/3/21 ✨ Letting Go

♎️MOON TRINE ♒️JUPITER: The Libra moon gets a boost from abundant Jupiter. We'll wake up optimistic about the day ahead. You might even have a little pep in your step as you head out the door. Lean into gratitude first thing.

♎️MOON SQUARE ♑️PLUTO: By mid-morning, we could face emotional challenges or power struggles. Try not to give into sudden urges or intense emotions. Use the power of this transit to go deep within yourself. Observe what is holding you back from what you want to call in for tomorrow's new moon.

♎️MOON CONJUNCT ♎️MERCURY: Around noon, the moon meets up with the messenger planet. Mercury's post-retrograde shadow period ended yesterday, bringing more clarity. Today, our rational mind merges with our emotions, helping us tap into our subconscious. It will be easier to talk about our feelings, but our mood could change quickly under this transit.

♎️MOON SEXTILE ♐️VENUS: The Libra moon is supported by Venus in Sagittarius, helping us gain a higher understanding of our relationships and lean into loving energy. This might illuminate the direction a partnership is heading or where we can achieve more balance. This transit brings feelings of beauty + optimism in love.

🌘MOON ➡️ SCORPIO ♏️: As we prepare for the new moon, we are asked to surrender. This can be difficult with the moon in obsessive, intense Scorpio. This is the day for stillness + deep introspection. Think about what's holding you back from fully stepping into your power. Let go of limiting beliefs or old stories. Prepare for rebirth.

♏️MOON CONJUNCT ♏️MARS: Just before midnight, the moon joins Mars in Scorpio. This could bring late-night irritation or anger. Be careful not to react to quickly or jump to conclusions- a battle could ensue. Instead, use this burst of intensity to release stagnant energy or break down barriers that are holding you back. Instincts will be strong.


The final day before the Scorpio New Moon brings a burst of emotions. The moon makes many connections throughout the day, all of them acting as opportunities for introspection. Tomorrow's new moon can be a major rebirth, but in order to start anew, we must let the old die first. Go within. Find your truth. Today is the day to let go.


11/4/21 ✨ New Moon in Scorpio


Mars enters Scorpio ♏️