11/4/21 ✨ New Moon in Scorpio

🌑NEW MOON IN SCORPIO ♏️ @ 14:14 PDT - The new moon is a powerful opportunity to embody a new energy + step into our power. Scorpio is the sign of death + rebirth, symbolized by the Phoenix- we must burn is holding us back to rise from the ashes. The past few days, you may have faced your own shadows. Acknowledge your darkness to fully step into your light.

🌑NEW MOON SQUARE ♒️SATURN: We start the morning with the nearly-new moon forming a 90º angle to Saturn, giving us a final opportunity to confront what we want to release. This transit can drum up sadness, negativity, and limiting beliefs. Don't burn everything to the ground in a moment of doubt. Observe what is activating your emotions. We can alchemize pain into power today.

🌑NEW MOON OPPOSITE ♉️URANUS: When the moon becomes new, it forms an exact opposition to Uranus. This could bring a surprising change of events or a breakthrough. This opposition shows us what we need to complete our transformation. Lean into change and step into your authentic truth. Set intentions. Hold a clear vision of your future self and the Universe will support your becoming.


It’s time to rise. Every challenge you've faced has brought you closer to your purpose. When we deeply understand ourselves, we can alchemize our past pain into our greatest power. Make bold declarations to the Universe. You are worthy of your biggest dreams.


(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♏️SCORPIO: This new moon allows a rebirth of your identity. Set intentions about what you desire in this next chapter and how you want to show up in the world. This is your new year, Scorpio!

♎️LIBRA: Check in with your values. Is your current work aligning with what’s important to you? A new financial opportunity could be on the horizon. Getting clear on this can help you set intentions to call in more abundance in 2022.

♍️VIRGO: How are you communicating with others? What stories are you telling yourself? Pay attention to your thoughts. Your mindset creates your reality. Lean into learning in the next phase.

♌️LEO: Connect to your roots. Childhood traumas might be resurfacing. How can you nurture yourself and create a sense of safety? Lean into feminine energy. Set intentions surrounding self-care in your next chapter.

♋️CANCER: This new moon activates your inner-child. What’s stopping you from living your fullest expression? Set intentions around having more fun. A creative activity could help you get into the energy of joy.

♊️GEMINI: The new moon brings a reset to your routine. This is the time to rid yourself of bad habits and focus on health. You cannot serve others if you’re not taking care of yourself. An accountability buddy could help you stick to new goals.

♉️TAURUS: A new romance or opportunity for partnership could present itself! Manifest this by observing how you relate to others. Find balance in power dynamics.

♈️ARIES: This new moon brings an opportunity to either energetically merge or sign a contract OR to cut an energetic cord that’s holding you back. Observe how your energy is tied to others. Take back your power.

♓️PISCES: You’re embarking on a new journey. Whether it’s planning a big trip for 2022 or exploring your own spirituality, this new moon will expand your consciousness. Open your mind to a broader understanding.

♒️AQUARIUS: The new moon gives you a new lease on your career or stability. Set intentions in the long-term. Explore your own relationship to wealth + masculine energy. Do you believe you're worthy of your big plans? Release limiting beliefs.

♑️CAPRICORN: Where do you fit in? How do you stand out? What causes are important to you? These are questions to ask yourself when setting intentions for 2022. Marching to the beat of your own drum can bring awareness to the community you surround yourself with.

♐️SAGITTARIUS: This new moon brings an opportunity for closure. By doing shadow work, you can end karmic cycles that may be generations deep. Connect with your spirit guides for support in releasing what no longer serves you. Think about the legacy you want to leave behind.


11/5/21 ✨ Mercury in Scorpio + Venus in Capricorn


11/3/21 ✨ Letting Go