11/5/21 ✨ Mercury in Scorpio + Venus in Capricorn

✨ Happy Venus Day!



Venus moves from fun-loving + free Sagittarius to serious Capricorn for the next four months. We can expect the first few weeks of this transit to make us think in the long-term about our love life, partnerships, money, and values. We’ll assess what we’re building in our lives as we look ahead to 2022 and how our current relationships fit into that picture. The same goes for finances. We’ll be thinking about how we can build wealth and achieve our desires in the coming years.

The planet of love and harmony hangs out in the sign of the goat for a little longer than usual though because it goes retrograde from December 19 to January 29. This could force us to re-examine any cracks in the foundations of our relationships or revisit any past karmic actions that have not been resolved.


Friday afternoon, Mercury ends it’s extended stay (and retrograde) in Libra and moves into intense Scorpio until November 24, making us deeply curious. Scorpio energy brings detective vibes - we’ll be drawn to secrets and unearthing hidden information. We could have profound. realizations or transform the way we think all together. With the Sun and Mars also in Scorpio, we can expect the intensity we’ve been feeling to build even more through Scorpio season. Mercury in Scorpio can make our words sharper and our communication more defensive. Use this energy to your advantage by getting curious about yourself and your own motivations.

These two planets are dancing in a sextile with one another all day. Their energies are supporting one another. Loving communication or realizations could come through.


🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕


You might have woken up from vivid dreams with a harmonious trine between the Scorpio moon and Neptune overnight… pay attention to any messages that came through. They could bring good fortune. Even odd dreams can hold deep meaning with the moon in Scorpio and Neptune in its home sign of Pisces.


We start the day with Jupiter in Aquarius activating the Scorpio New Moon. This can make us feel almost blindly optimistic. This aspect also makes us more prone to excessive or obsessive tendencies.. Lean into a spiritual practice this morning. Even a 10-minute meditation could bring clarity surrounding a stressful situation.


The Scorpio moon makes a final connection to Pluto before going void for most of the day. This connection brings a final opportunity to harness the power of this new moon and step into your transformation. This supportive angle can help us release any lingering energy that is holding us back and dive deeper into our own understanding of ourselves.

The moon is void until it enters Sagittarius around 6:00 pm pt. It’s best to rest on Friday afternoon if possible. Nothing substantial will come from our efforts under the void moon.


We could get a burst of energy and motivation on Friday night. The Sagittarius moon loves a party! If you’ve been feeling weighed down by the energy of the Scorpio New Moon, this weekend is a chance to zoom out and look at the big picture. A Sagittarius moon helps us feel more upbeat and spontaneous! But beware of overdoing it if you’re looking for a good time…


The shifts we felt from last night’s new moon carries into Friday, but the energy will feel lighter. The Scorpio moon makes several connections throughout the morning that can help us see our own evolution in a positive light. The sun is pulling away from an opposition to Uranus today as well, bringing the change or disruption needed to fully take advantage of this new moon’s transformative energy. Giving yourself credit for how far you’ve come can boost the intentions you set. Mercury + Venus are both moving into signs that bring powerful vibes over the coming weeks.


11/6/21 ✨ Mercury Sextile Venus


11/4/21 ✨ New Moon in Scorpio