11/6/21 ✨ Mercury Sextile Venus
✨ Happy SATURN Day!
A supportive angle between the planet of love and the planet of communication brings good vibes on Saturday. Both celestial bodies just moved into new signs yesterday, ushering in fresh energy. Daily activities or routines will seem more pleasant than usual. Commerce flows easily under these skies and business relationships can flourish. We’ll enjoy being around our loved ones and learning about things that bring us pleasure. Intimate conversations could help you understand your desires and yourself more clearly. Talks about commitment could support future goals as well.
🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
Wild and free! The moon spends Saturday in Sagittarius, fueling our need for adventure and expansion. We might be inclined to do something spontaneous- just make sure whatever the activity is, you don’t overdo it. The moon in the sign of the archer can make us prone to excess.
We start the weekend with the Saturn supporting the moon, reminding us of our responsibilities. While the Sagittarius moon makes us want to fly by the seat of our pants, Saturn helps us add some structure to our day. We’ll enjoy being around family, especially elders, even if it’s just over Facetime or Zoom.
Past issues or core wounds could resurface, but a harmonious angle to the Sagittarius moon will help us zoom out and see them from a higher perspective. If we don’t intentionally observe the emotions coming up for us, though, this transit could bring the tendency to numb out or reach for anything that will distract us.
By Saturday afternoon, the moon forms an awkward angle to Uranus. We could experience mood swings or under this transit. We might seek a thrill or have a chance encounter. Uranus brings disruptive energy- take a moment to think over any impulses. An exciting moment today might have long-term consequences if it’s not aligned with your future self.
This Saturday brings the perfect energy for a good time as long as you go with the flow… Start your day by setting some intentions- a supportive angle to Saturn helps us think about long term goals. A combination of the outgoing moon in Sag and a supportive angle between beautiful Venus and messenger Mercury makes us want to share our love with the world! 💕 Expect the unexpected, but stay true to your highest self.