3/17/24 ✨ Sun Conjunct Neptune
This SUN Day is a day for dreaming. As the Pisces sun meets Neptune, the boundaries of consciousness dissolve. Creativity and spirituality come naturally, but it’s easy to get lost in the sauce today too. Allow yourself to check out of reality without falling too far down a rabbit hole. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer attunes us to our intuition. Trust gut feelings today. As the moon harmonizes with Venus, allow yourself to be a vessel of love.
8/24/23 ✨ Mars Trine Pluto
Today’s the day! Go after your dreams! Mars harmonizes with Pluto, giving us ample drive to take action on our deepest desires. We can easily assert ourselves and take ownership over what we really want out of life. Sexual exploration is favored too… The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius adds fuel to the fire! It’s easy to have faith that the steps we’re taking today will help our intentions manifest. Don’t be surprised if worries pop up this morning- a square between the moon and Saturn can cause doubts. Slow down, give yourself grace, and hold the vision. Even small actions can snowball into impactful outcomes.
2/27/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Mars
We’re moving on a Monday! The First Quarter Moon in Gemini connects with Jupiter this morning, giving us plenty of energy and optimism to look to the week ahead with confidence. Tonight, the moon meets up with Mars in Gemini, turning up the volume on our energy levels. An overactive mind could lead to feelings of restlessness or reactivity. Make sure you have a productive outlet for excess energy. Remember- you don’t have to do everything right now, but aligned action is definitely favored today!
2/26/23 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini
Step by step, day by day, we are transforming. The Taurus moon makes its final aspect- an earthy trine to Pluto. This critical connection at 29º allows us to let go of what is weighing us down, making our evolution feel a little easier. When the First Quarter Moon enters Gemini, we can expect to feel more talkative and social. The coming days bring an opportunity to mentally process our emotions. Talking and writing can help us get clear about how we want to move forward. Late tonight, the moon connects with the sun and Venus, giving us a loving nudge to take the next step. Aligned action feels good!
12/29/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde Conjunct Venus
2022 ends with a cosmic rewind thanks to Mercury Retrograde. This is the perfect opportunity to look back at our year and notice patterns. What lessons did you learn? What habits did you form? Relationships and finances are the focus of this review today as Mercury and Venus meet up in Capricorn. We can express our love more easily and find beauty in the breakdown- but resist the urge to text your ex! It’s easy to be impulsive as the First Quarter moon moves into Aries.
10/2/22 ✨ Mercury Retrograde Ends
Mercury Retrograde ends today- and not a moment too soon!! But don’t expect crystal clarity just yet. As the planet of communication stations direct, it opposes Neptune, clouding our perception. Misunderstandings are still possible- especially with Mercury still in its shadow period. Allow the pace to pick up slowly. The first quarter moon in Capricorn sets a steady pace to move forward.
9/3/22 ✨ Mars Shadow Period Begins
This Saturn Day brings spontaneous energy! Mercury and Mars dance in a harmonious trine, never quite making an exact connection. This transit brings a surge of mental energy and bold expression. Confidently share what’s on your mind. Meanwhile, Mars enters its shadow period today. We still have nearly two months to go before the planet of war stations retrograde, but keep in mind- any issues that pop up now could be revisited around the end of the year. The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius invites us to move forward with optimism.
7/6/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Libra
The focus is on our relationships this Wednesday as Venus plays a big role in our forecast. The planet of love and beauty locks into a supportive angle with Wounded Healer, Chiron. By relating to others, we can more clearly see our own wounds. Even light conversations among friends can help us move forward on our healing journey. And speaking of moving forward… now is the time to do it! The First Quarter Moon in Libra invites us to take action from a place of balance and harmony.
6/7/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Virgo
Intentional action is the name of the game under the First Quarter Moon in Virgo. We’re feeling productive and capable as we look over our to-do list, and we won’t miss a detail along the way! Just be careful not to be too critical or harsh in the process… This morning, the Virgo moon forms an earthy trine to Uranus, creating a shift or change.
5/8/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Leo
This Mother’s Day could feel a bit different than years past. Surprises are possible… and so are emotional outbursts. Saturday’s energy made it easy to express our affections for others and lean into love… but on Sunday, the first quarter moon in Leo could cause a bit of agitation. Give yourself grace if this Mother’s Day brings up difficult emotions.
3/10/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini
The first quarter moon brings ample energy to start moving toward the intentions we set under the new moon. As la luna transits through Gemini, we can bounce ideas off other people to get the ball rolling. As the moon reaches its farthest point from the earth, suppressed emotions or urges could be expressed.
2/8/22 ✨ Mars Trine Uranus
Today’s transits support making bold moves and leaning into transformation as Mars and Uranus connect in a harmonious angle. The Taurus moon meets the North Node and a flows with Pluto, empowering us to embody the lessons we are here to learn and rise into a new version of ourselves.