12/29/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde Conjunct Venus

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am patient, knowing everything is happening for me in divine timing.



The year ends with the most infamous transit in astrology- Mercury Retrograde! As the planet of communication begins its backspin through Capricorn, we can take a practical look back at what we've learned throughout the year. We might find ourselves reviewing our long-term plans as well. This transit is notorious for causing tech issues and communication breakdowns. And with Mercury in serious Capricorn, how we express ourselves is just as important as the point we're trying to get across. It might take a little extra effort to infuse compassion and sincerity into our words. Any information learned or ideas sparked over the past few weeks could be revisited during this retrograde. Patience is key as clarity might be delayed.

♑️ MERCURY rx CONJUNCT ♑️ VENUS (24º) 5:58 AM PT

When Mercury (now retrograde) meets up with Venus, loving thoughts and words can come through easily. But realizations about relationships are possible today too. As Mercury begins its backspin, our patterns around love, money, and beauty become more apparent. But don’t text your ex! We might find ourselves looking back and finding a new appreciation for vintage art and classic values too.

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It’s go time! When the first quarter moon moves into Aries, taking action feels natural. We could even get a jump start on New Years Resolutions. But fair warning- it’s all too easy to be impulsive and reactive if our emotions are activated.


The moon gets a boost from Jupiter as soon as it moves into Aries. Expect eagerness, excitement, and ambition. We might wake up with a surge of energy or find ourselves unable to stay asleep. Active or over-the-top dreams are possible too.

♈️ MOON SQUARE ♑️ SUN (8º) 4:00 PM PT

Tension between the moon and the sun lights a fire under us to push forward. This is the exact moment of the first quarter moon, inviting us to take action, push through any resistance, and step into our purpose.

♈️ MOON SEXTILE ♊️ MARS rx (9º) 7:00 PM PT

When the moon connects with Mars retrograde, we might find ourselves reviewing our motivations. This can help us chart the best course forward. under the action-packed Aries moon. This sextile offers us a moment to reflect on what we really want.

♈️ MOON CONJUNCT ♈️ CHIRON (11º) 11:00 PM PT

Triggers could pop up late tonight as the moon meets up with Wounded Healer, Chiron. But facing our pain head on can help us heal it. The moves we’re making now can move the needle on our healing journey.


2022 ends with a cosmic rewind thanks to Mercury Retrograde. This is the perfect opportunity to look back at our year and notice patterns. What lessons did you learn? What habits did you form? Relationships and finances are the focus of this review today as Mercury and Venus meet up in Capricorn. We can express our love more easily and find beauty in the breakdown- but resist the urge to text your ex! It’s easy to be impulsive as the First Quarter moon moves into Aries. A conjunction with Jupiter amplifies our need to jump into action. Resistance could flare up this afternoon when the moon comes into a tense 90º angle to the sun. We end the day with connections between the moon, Mars retrograde, and Chiron, helping us review our motivations and push forward on our healing journey. Our natural determination can help us move through any blocks, but don’t be surprised if triggers pop up in the process. Patience requires more effort than usual today.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how Mercury Retrograde will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♑️ CAPRICORN: Who are you becoming? Look back on the year and notice how your identity has shifted. Your appearance might have changed too! Honor all the versions you’ve been this year.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: It’s time for a little accounting. Reviewing the patterns in your cash flow can help you get clearer on your values. This process can help you get clearer on your financial plan for the year ahead.

♏️ SCORPIO: How you say it is just as important as the message you’re trying to get across. You might find yourself revisiting old conversations or rethinking how you’re communicating all together. There’s plenty to be learned- slow down and take it all in.

♎️ LIBRA: There’s no place like home and this Mercury Retrograde could definitely make you feel nostalgic. Taking a trip to visit relatives or pulling out an old box of photos could reveal family patterns you haven’t noticed before.

♍️ VIRGO: This Mercury Retrograde brings an opportunity for inner child work. Revisiting activities you did as a child could be healing. Being creative and having fun can help you process any unresolved issues. Allow yourself to be carefree, even if just for a moment.

♌️ LEO: As a new year begins, setting resolutions will feel natural for you. Look back on your daily routine from 2022 and assess what updates you’d like to make. Pay attention to the every day details as you’re mapping out the year ahead.

♋️ CANCER: Relationships will be the focus of your Mercury Retrograde. Lovers from the past could pop back up or you might find yourself reviewing the dynamics of a current partnership. As you revisit old patterns, ask yourself if these connections can stand the test of time.

♊️ GEMINI: A deep dive is in store for you in the upcoming month. During your Mercury Retrograde review, observe the energetic contracts you have with other people. You might have to look over physical contracts again too. Take note of anything pulling your energy.

♉️ TAURUS: Give yourself credit for how much you’ve grown this year! What did you learn that you can now share with others? Where did you travel and what’s the next trip you want to book? Looking back on your expansion will show you how much more is possible in 2023.

♈️ ARIES: Pat yourself on the back for all of your success in 2022. Envision yourself standing on the top of a mountain and looking down on the path you took up. By reviewing the journey, you can set your sights on an even bigger peak in the new year.

♓️ PISCES: How has your network changed this past year. You may have experienced shifts in friendships and community. Assess what connections feel good for you- this intel will help you call more like-minded people into your circle in the year to come.

♒️ AQUARIUS: What have you released in 2022 and what still needs more time to heal? This Mercury Retrograde brings an opportunity to get in touch with your own sensitivity, compassion, and spirituality. What would you do if you knew you were supported? Trust that you already are.

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