9/6/23 ✨ Mercury Cazimi
This Mercury Day is one for the books! Mercury Retrograde passes through the heart of the sun, bringing a profound moment for clarity and insight early this morning. With both the sun adn moon in mercurial signs, it could feel like we’re asking a lot of questions. Giving our mind space to ponder can invite in some of the answers we seek- but it may be helpful to give the body a rhythm to anchor to in the process. We’re certainly restless as the stimulating Gemini moon pulls away from a trine to Mars. As the moon clashes with the sun and Mercury, we reach a point of peak release. Venus brings support to this mashup, helping us lovingly let go of the stories that are no longer serving us. If it doesn’t bring health, wealth, or happiness, it’s time to create space for something that will!
7/09/23 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune
Releasing and creating are part of the same process. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries invites us to find catharsis through movement. Getting our blood pumping can cleanse us of what no longer serves who we are here to become. But this afternoon, Messenger Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, magnifying our imagination. Our intuition can inform creative ideas. It’s easy to empathize with others we’re communicating with too. Late tonight, the moon meets Chiron, triggering past pain. Feeling is healing. Let it out to let it go. Make space.
6/9/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune
Explore the subconscious today. A sextile between Mercury and Neptune encourages us to embrace our imagination and believe in magic. Spiritual pursuits of every kind are favored today! The last quarter moon in Pisces prompts healing release and heightened intuition. The moon's sextile with Jupiter brings an energy of faith and optimism, helping us find silver linings, even in the midst of endings. A meeting of the moon and Saturn brings up doubts and limiting beliefs to be released too. Time spent in solitude facilitates deep introspection and patience. Trust.
4/13/23 ✨ Moon Enters Aquarius
The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn asks us to release rigid timelines and redefine what success means to us. When the moon moves into Aquarius, it’s time to let our freak flags fly! A powerful conjunction between the moon and Pluto can bring weird parts of our personality out of the shadows. The moon harmonizes with Venus, creating flirty vibes. We could feel ourselves on the edge of our comfort zone by the end of the day, releasing old stories to become who we’re meant to be.
2/13/23 ✨ Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio
We start the week with a purge! The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio is an invitation to release anything no longer serving us. We start the morning under flowing trines between the moon, Venus, and Neptune, allowing us to bathe in sweet dreams from overnight. But in the same breath, there’s a restlessness to get moving! By the afternoon, a square to Saturn can bring up negative feelings and worries, giving us the urge to isolate. Our emotions take us even deeper as the Scorpio moon connects with Pluto at 29º. This is the time to let go.
7/20/22 ✨ Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
Mars and Lilith connect in a supportive angle, reminding us of our bodies’ physical power. This transit helps us tap into our sexuality. The last quarter moon moves into Taurus Wednesday afternoon, asking us to let go. Clearing your physical space or releasing tension from your body is favored now. Self-care is key tonight as the moon and Venus lock into a supportive angle. Indulge in a comforting meal or draw yourself a warm bath. Full permission to relax.
5/22/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Moves Back into Taurus
We end the weekend with Mercury Retrograde moving back into Taurus, slowing the pace even more. The coming week weeks offer an opportunity to review any ideas or plans made from April 10 - April 29 (during the planet of communication’s first journey through the sign of the bull.)
3/25/22 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith
As Mercury makes its final swim through watery Pisces, it makes quite a splash, forming a harsh square to Dark Moon Lilith. Watch your words today. Anything you’ve been holding back could come pouring out- and miscommunication is definitely possible. But saying our peace will feel especially cathartic as we mark the last quarter moon in Capricorn, asking us to let go of anything holding us back from our long-term goals.
2/23/22 ✨ Mars Sextile Neptune
Mars supports Neptune with Venus following closely behind, bringing romantic vibes and sexual synergy. 🔥 Messenger Mercury and healer Chiron also lock into a sextile with additional support from the moon, allowing for healing conversations and breakthroughs.
12/11 + 12/12 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto
We have a jam-packed weekend in the solar system! Venus merges with Pluto, bringing a dose of intensity to love and relationships. Messenger Mercury gets support from Jupiter, helping us to make long-term plans and understand big concepts. By the end of the weekend, the Sun forms a harsh angle to Neptune, bringing down our energy and clouding our confidence.
12/4 + 12/5 ✨ Mercury Opposite Lilith
The energy of Friday night’s solar eclipse stays with us as the moon continues its transit through Sagittarius on Saturday. Watch your words… when Mercury opposes Lilith, our inner-bitch could enter the chat. When the waxing crescent moon moves into Capricorn on Sunday, we can get into preparation mode for the week ahead.