5/22/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Moves Back into Taurus

✨ Happy SUN Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I move slowly, observing the weight of every action.


♓️ MARS SEXTILE ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 3:15 PM PT

Mars and Pisces lock into a supportive 60º angle on Sunday afternoon, giving us power behind our actions. We’ll have the endurance and stamina to tackle difficult projects and focus our energy toward a specific goal. We’ll also be able to influence others. The key to using the positive aspects of this transit is to go with the flow- Mars is in the flowy sign of Pisces after all! Trying to force or manipulate others into following our lead could create some ego battles. Let leadership come naturally.

MERCURY (rx) ⬅️ TAURUS ♉️ (6:15 PM PT)

Mercury backslides into the sign of the bull during its retrograde, asking us to revisit the ideas and thoughts that came through between April 10 and April 29. As Mercury moves back into Taurus, we can reflect more deeply on our values and desires again. The pace will feel even slower than Mercury's previous transit through Taurus. Welcome this slow down as a time to ground the realizations that have been coming up thus far during Mercury Retrograde.

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The moon transits through Aquarius overnight, asking us to open our perception. We’re drawn to eccentric people and new experiences. Our focus is on collective issues rather than one-on-one concerns and future visions rather than the present moment.


The moon and Saturn meet in Aquarius, having a depressing effect on our emotions. We are even more detached and cold during this conjunction, which distances us from our sensitivity. Our emotions will come through as serious or even skeptical, creating negativity and distance in close relationships.

VOID MOON UNTIL 8:50 AM - Wait to start any Sunday projects until after the moon moves into Pisces.

🌗 MOON ➡️ PISCES ♓️ (8:50 AM PT)

The final quarter moon in Pisces asks us to let it go and let it flow! All of the shadows drudged up during eclipse season can be released now. It could feel like a flood of emotions pouring out of you with the moon in the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. But the Pisces moon seeks closure and healing, making this the perfect energy to feel it all.

♓️ MOON SQUARE ♊️ MERCURY (rx) (0º) 9:00 AM PT

The moon squares off to Mercury retrograde, amplifying communication breakdowns. We’ll have an impulsive need to speak our mind, which can get us into a little bit of trouble. With the moon in Pisces, our words could land on especially sensitive ears. Be extra intentional with how you’re communicating and slow down.

♓️ MOON SQUARE ♊️ SUN (1º) 11:00 AM PT

The moon comes into a harsh 90º angle with the sun, causing a baseline of tension and anxiety. The 0º Gemini sun makes us antsy and eager to start a new week, while the Pisces moon craves restoration and down time. It might feel draining to start thinking about all you plan to accomplish in the week ahead. Instead, use this time for self-care and relaxation before the pace of Monday morning hits.




Go slow and let it flow. This is your mantra for this Sunday. The last quarter moon moves into the sensitive sign of Pisces, squaring off to Mercury retrograde and the sun, creating a feeling of tension or unease. This is the moon’s peak energy for releasing. Discomfort is showing where to loosen your grip. Mars in Pisces gets support from Pluto in Capricorn today, putting great power behind our actions. Physical exercise or movement can be especially transformative. We end the weekend with Mercury Retrograde moving back into Taurus, slowing the pace even more. The coming weeks offer an opportunity to review any ideas or plans made from April 10 - April 29 (during the planet of communication’s first journey through the sign of the bull.)

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5/23/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter


5/21/22 ✨ Mercury Cazimi