Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/1/22 ✨ Mars Sextile Jupiter

Welcome to September! We start the new month off with a bang as energetic Mars and abundant Jupiter lock into a supportive angle. Our motivation is amplified, asking us to make bold moves and start new projects; but at the same time, we’re easily able to negotiate and cooperate with others. Move your body today! Lilith is making an exact square to Chiron tonight, but we’ve been feeling this tension over the past week. Watch out for bitchy or harsh reactions. We have a tendency to withdraw love if we’re feeling hurt or defensive. The Scorpio moon adds to the intense energy and need for control.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/4/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Saturn

Our emotions and energy are running high this Friday! Mars and Jupiter lock into a supportive angle, giving us an abundance of energy, motivation, and optimism. The sun and Saturn merge in Aquarius, helping us keep our wits about us. But be warned… when the moon enters Aries, too much energy isn’t always a good thing.

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