9/1/22 ✨ Mars Sextile Jupiter

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I can only control myself.


♊️ MARS SEXTILE ♈️ JUPITER rx (6º) 4:51 AM PT

There’s no shortage of energy today as Mars and Jupiter lock into a supportive sextile. This is a favorable day to move forward. Our drive and motivation is amplified, but we’re also generous and cooperative, making this a great opportunity for negotiating or stepping into a position of authority. Projects started now will have a lot of power behind them. Physical exercise will feel good and we could even find some luck if competition is involved!

♋️ LILITH SQUARE ♈️ CHIRON rx (15º) 7:17 PM PT

Lilith and Chiron have been squaring each other over the past week, but today, their clash is exact! Neither of these are major placements in our solar system, but they each have very distinct influences. Lilith represents the part of us that does not want to be repressed or controlled. Chiron signifies our wounds and potential healing. When they come into this conflicting 90º angle, we are easily triggered and quick to defend ourselves. If pain points are even slightly provoked, we can become an all-out bitch. Slow down and be mindful with your reactions.

The next time Lilith and Chiron will meet at this same angle will be in 2027.

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We’re going deep. When the waxing moon is in the most intense sign in the zodiac, we can experience powerful emotions. We crave intimacy and vulnerability under a Scorpio moon- but we don’t want to lose control in the process. This gives us the tendency to be reactive and defensive if we’re not mindful. The next few days bring an opportunity to get to the bottom of any unresolved feelings and discover deeper truths.

♏️ MOON SEXTILE ♍️ SUN (8º) 1:00 AM PT

A supportive angle between the moon and sun gives us confidence and vitality. Even sleeping through this transit can bring sunny dreams. Our conscious and subconscious are supporting each other now.


It’s easy to fall back into past (potentially destructive) patterns when the moon meets up with the South Node. We can embody former versions of ourself without even realizing it. Meanwhile, a trine to Lilith gives us an innate need for control and sovereignty. This is not a time to cross people or react quickly. Instead, lean into Lilith’s positive aspects by standing in your power and being mindful about how you respond. The moon is opposing the North Node as well, giving us a clear view of the direction we’re meant to go.


Emotional upsets are possible this Thursday night as the moon opposes the planet of disruption. We are attracted to thrill and rebellion, which can make it difficult to relate to others and keep the peace. Mood swings are possible too. Rather than creating your own excitement through ruffling others’ feathers, lean into the positive potential of this transit by staying open to changes of plan and being willing to try things (or react) differently.

♏️ MOON SQUARE ♒️ SATURN rx (20º) 11:00 PM PT

You might want to tuck yourself in early today as the moon squares Saturn. This transit often causes an energetic or emotional dip. We tend to feel isolated, lonely, or even a little depressed. Give yourself plenty of rest and space to process tonight.


Welcome to September! We start the new month off with a bang as energetic Mars and abundant Jupiter lock into a supportive angle. Our motivation is amplified, asking us to make bold moves and start new projects; but at the same time, we’re easily able to negotiate and cooperate with others. Move your body today! Lilith is making an exact square to Chiron tonight, but we’ve been feeling this tension over the past week. Watch out for bitchy or harsh reactions. We have a tendency to withdraw love if we’re feeling hurt or defensive. The Scorpio moon adds to the intense energy and need for control. We aren’t satisfied with surface-level matters now. The moon meets up with the South Node and connects with Lilith tonight, making it easy to fall back into destructive patterns and manipulation. Stay in your own lane. An opposition between the moon and Uranus makes us crave a thrill, but rebellious tendencies can cause mood swings and disruptions. We end the night with a square between the moon and Saturn, bringing us into an energetic low. Sadness or isolation can come along with this transit. Take this opportunity for rest and reflection.

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9/2/22 ✨ Mercury Opposite Jupiter


8/31/22 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio