Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/24/23 ✨ Mars Trine Pluto

Today’s the day! Go after your dreams! Mars harmonizes with Pluto, giving us ample drive to take action on our deepest desires. We can easily assert ourselves and take ownership over what we really want out of life. Sexual exploration is favored too… The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius adds fuel to the fire! It’s easy to have faith that the steps we’re taking today will help our intentions manifest. Don’t be surprised if worries pop up this morning- a square between the moon and Saturn can cause doubts. Slow down, give yourself grace, and hold the vision. Even small actions can snowball into impactful outcomes.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/14/22 ✨ Sun Opposite Saturn + Mars Trine Pluto

The lessons that surfaced during this week’s full moon are becoming clearer now as the Leo sun opposes Saturn in Aquarius. But this transit can also illuminate our doubts and fears. Be the observer of what’s weighing you down. Mars and Pluto lock into a harmonious trine this afternoon, giving us deeper motivation and passion. Sensual (or sexual) movement will feel especially powerful today as we have a desire to push boundaries and unlock mysteries.

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