8/14/22 ✨ Sun Opposite Saturn + Mars Trine Pluto

✨ Happy SUN Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I observe the lessons the Universe is teaching me.


♌️ SUN OPPOSITE ♒️ SATURN rx (21º) 10:10 AM PT

We can realize the lessons we’ve learned as the Leo sun opposes Saturn in Aquarius. This transit can feel definitely harsh though. We’re could find ourselves doubting our passions or coming up against frustrating obstacles. The situations playing out today can be powerful teachers if we step into the role as a student of the universe.

♉️ MARS TRINE ♑️ PLUTO rx (26º) 2:27 PM PT

We’ve got the power! We can easily tap into our deep motivations and desires as Mars harmonizes with Pluto. The moves we make today can be transformative if we act in accordance with our values. Passions run high, making this an excellent aspect for sexual exploration. We’re willing to test boundaries and explore our own limits. Mysteries will feel especially enticing.

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Our sensitivities are heightened as the waning moon moves through Pisces. We’re more susceptible to taking on other people’s energy, which can be draining. Practice boundaries and allow space for rest and release.

♓️ MOON CONJUNCT ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (24º) 4:00 AM PT

Pay special attention to your dreams when you wake up on Sunday. We can easily tap into other realms and receive messages from beyond the veil if our subconscious mind is open. This transit further enhances the sensitive nature of the Pisces moon.

♓️ MOON SEXTILE ♉️ MARS AND ♑️ PLUTO rx (26º) 7:00 AM PT

The moon makes supportive connections to Mars and Pluto, allowing our emotions to guide us deeper into our motivations. Healing actions are powerful now. We can move from a place of deep compassion and transformation.

VOID MOON FROM 9:00 - 1:43 PM PT

The void moon Sunday morning asks us to take it easy and take a rest. Full permission to do nothing.


When the waning moon enters Aries, our passions can pick up. Moving our body can be a powerful way to release emotions over the coming days. We’re nurtured by taking action and moving now.

♈️ MOON TRINE ♌️ VENUS (4º) 9:00 PM PT

We end the weekend on a sweet note as the moon harmonizes with Venus. Life seems more beautiful. Passions run high as our heart is activated. We have an ample amount of love to share with others now too.


The lessons that surfaced during this week’s full moon are becoming clearer now as the Leo sun opposes Saturn in Aquarius. But this transit can also illuminate our doubts and fears. Be the observer of what’s weighing you down. Mars and Pluto lock into a harmonious trine this afternoon, giving us deeper motivation and passion. Sensual (or sexual) movement will feel especially powerful today as we have a desire to push boundaries and unlock mysteries. The Pisces moon connected with Neptune overnight, amplifying our dreams and heightening our intuition. A sextile between the moon, Mars, and Pluto helps us lean into transformation through the actions we’re taking today. The waning moon in void into the early afternoon, when it moves into Aries. Expect the energy to build throughout the day. Clear excess energy through moving your body. We end the weekend with a fortunate connection between the moon and Venus, allowing us to feel the love in our hearts and share it with others.

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8/15/22 ✨ Mercury Trine North Node


8/13/22 ✨ Pisces Moon Opposite Mercury