3/8/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Neptune
It’s a beautiful day to get lost in a fantasy. As Mercury in Pisces crosses over Neptune, we can check out of the this earthly realm and let our imagination take us to magical places. Creativity and magic rule today. With so much Pisces energy in the forecast, we’re sensitive to deception. This isn’t the day to make agreements or rely on mental sharpness. Instead, allow yourself to simply dream and feel. Love and pleasure dominate our emotional experience as when the moon and Venus meet in Aquarius. When the dark moon enters Pisces tonight, the pace slows even more. Find solace in stillness.
3/16/23 ✨ Sun, Neptune, and Mercury Square Mars
This foggy week comes to a climax on Thursday! As Mercury joins the sun and Neptune, it’s all too easy for our mind to wander. This is a powerful day for dreaming and imagining, but there will also be an impulse to put whatever visions we conjure in our mind’s eye into action. Resist the urge to act on inspiration as this trio squares Mars. Moving too quickly or letting anxious thoughts run the show could lead to miscommunications or mishaps. Meanwhile, Venus leaves Aries with a bang- squaring Pluto on her way out. Transformative moments in love, money, or beauty could feel jarring- especially with both planets at the anaretic degree.