3/16/23 ✨ Sun, Neptune, and Mercury Square Mars

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am riding the waves of life.



Life is but a dream this Mercury Day as the planet of communication meets up with the the planet of our subconscious. When Mercury and Neptune form a conjunction, we can allow our artistic side to shine through in our expression. We are more compassionate and empathetic in our communication because we are more in tune with our own sensitivities and the emotions of others- especially with these two planets in Pisces. We might find ourselves interested in studying spiritual topics or allowing our mind to drift off to other realms.

This is a beautiful day to dream big and allow your imagination to take the wheel, but beware of illusion, confusion, and delusion. Misunderstandings are possible and we are easily deceived, especially with Mercury in a weak position. This isn’t the day to make decisions or sign contracts, but instead, to allow yourself to get a little lost in a fantasy and stay open to all possibilities.

♓️ SUN SQUARE ♊️ MARS (25º) 11:09 AM PT

Heightened anxiety is possible as the Pisces sun comes into a tense 90º angle to Mars. This transit makes us aware of how much energy we have to burn, but it’s easy to be confused about what to do with it. There’s a sense of restlessness and impatience. Watch how you’re showing up under this intense energy. We’ll have the tendency to come on stronger than usual. When in doubt, burn off excess energy through physical movement.

♈️ VENUS SQUARE ♑️ PLUTO (29º) 12:58 PM PT

Venus in Aries comes into a harsh 90º square to Pluto in Capricorn at the anaretic degree, bringing the discomfort we’ve been experiencing to a head. This can feel like a sudden change of values or an abrupt shift in a relationship. Passions run high with Venus in Aries and we are prone to controlling and manipulating behavior under Pluto’s influence. The transformation happening to our partnerships, resources, and values could feel like a slap in the face. This could mark an ending, a new beginning, or both.

♈️ VENUS ➡️ TAURUS ♉️ (3:34 PM PT)

Full permission to indulge as Venus enters Taurus. Venus is right at home in the sign of the bull, inviting us to open to pleasure and comfort. Cozy is the new black. We'll be attracted to decor, clothing, and interactions with other humans that delight our senses. If it feels good, expect to be drawn to it over the coming weeks! This transit helps us drop into our physical bodies and enjoy the sensations that come with the human experience. Venus in Taurus is also an auspicious transit to call in money and physical luxuries. Reflecting on what we value can help us manifest more abundance!

♓️ MERCURY SQUARE ♊️ MARS (25º) 9:48 PM PT

Slow down, turbo! Accidents are possible tonight as Mercury in murky Pisces squares Mars in stimulating Gemini. These two planets are both notorious for quick movements. We might blurt things our or come across as mindless or confusing in our communication. Miscommunication can lead to arguments as the planet of war clashes with the messenger of the Milky Way. This can also create a general sense of irritability, anxiety, or mental agitation.

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The waning crescent moon in Capricorn is an invitation to release our grip or even fully exit the matrix. We can become emotionally aware of the rules we’ve been subconsciously subscribing to. Get off the hamster wheel. Ground into nature. Finding peace in the present can actually provide more value in the long run.

♑️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ CHIRON AND ♈️ JUPITER (14º - 15º) 5:00 AM PT

There’s a push to heal and grow on Thursday morning as the practical Capricorn moon squares Jupiter and Chiron in Aries. We’ve become aware of our biggest wounds over the past week. Now is the time to ground into the lessons they’ve brought us. Healing is often a step along the path to success.

♑️ MOON TRINE ♉️ URANUS (16º) 9:00 AM PT

We’re open to change and innovation while the moon harmonizes with Uranus. Fortunate surprises are possible today. Trying things differently and trusting our intuition can help us take the next steps.




This foggy week comes to a climax on Thursday! As Mercury joins the sun and Neptune, it’s all too easy for our mind to wander. This is a powerful day for dreaming and imagining, but there will also be an impulse to put whatever visions we conjure in our mind’s eye into action. Resist the urge to act on inspiration as this trio squares Mars. Moving too quickly or letting anxious thoughts run the show could lead to miscommunications or mishaps. Meanwhile, Venus leaves Aries with a bang- squaring Pluto on her way out. Transformative moments in love, money, or beauty could feel jarring- especially with both planets at the anaretic degree. When Venus moves into Taurus, she gets nice and cozy, inviting us to tap into our sensuality and call in more abundance. The Capricorn moon keeps us grounded and stable throughout the day, but connections to Jupiter, Chiron and Uranus help us stay open to expansion, healing, and change.

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3/17/23 ✨ Mercury Cazimi & Venus Sextile Saturn


3/15/23 ✨ Sun Conjunct Neptune