3/16/23 ✨ Sun, Neptune, and Mercury Square Mars
This foggy week comes to a climax on Thursday! As Mercury joins the sun and Neptune, it’s all too easy for our mind to wander. This is a powerful day for dreaming and imagining, but there will also be an impulse to put whatever visions we conjure in our mind’s eye into action. Resist the urge to act on inspiration as this trio squares Mars. Moving too quickly or letting anxious thoughts run the show could lead to miscommunications or mishaps. Meanwhile, Venus leaves Aries with a bang- squaring Pluto on her way out. Transformative moments in love, money, or beauty could feel jarring- especially with both planets at the anaretic degree.
10/19/22 ✨ Sun + Venus Square Pluto
Shadows come to light this Wednesday as Venus and the sun square Pluto. This tense trifecta marks a powerful turning point in relationships and in our sense of purpose- but this transformation might not come easy. As these three planets lock into a 90º angle, subconscious patterns are forced in the surface. It will be tempting to try to manipulate others to feel a sense of control. Instead, focus on what you can release in order to make way for new energy to be birthed. Remember- relationships are simply mirrors of our internal experience.
5/26/22 ✨ Venus Square Pluto
Thursday marks a turning point in our values and relationships as Venus and Pluto clash in a tense 90º square. Passions can run high as Pluto destroys the old to make way for new growth. This energy is highly transformative, but the process is probably going to feel uncomfortable.