Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/16/23 ✨ Sun, Neptune, and Mercury Square Mars

This foggy week comes to a climax on Thursday! As Mercury joins the sun and Neptune, it’s all too easy for our mind to wander. This is a powerful day for dreaming and imagining, but there will also be an impulse to put whatever visions we conjure in our mind’s eye into action. Resist the urge to act on inspiration as this trio squares Mars. Moving too quickly or letting anxious thoughts run the show could lead to miscommunications or mishaps. Meanwhile, Venus leaves Aries with a bang- squaring Pluto on her way out. Transformative moments in love, money, or beauty could feel jarring- especially with both planets at the anaretic degree.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/27/22 ✨ Jupiter Backs into Pisces

We experience a renewed sense of hope this Jupiter Day! Deep and profound realizations are possible today as Mercury squares Pluto- just watch out for obsessive thoughts or harsh words. But late tonight, Jupiter moves back into its home sign of Pisces. Over the next few months, we can find ourselves reviewing our faith and coming back to our spiritual practices and beliefs. Our emotional awareness, creativity, and healing abilities are expanded through December. We can also revisit big dreams and ideas that came through at the beginning of the year.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/26/22 ✨ Mercury Square Mars

Mars Day lives up to its name as the planet of war and aggression clashes with messenger planet Mercury. This transit makes us more defensive, aggressive, and accident prone. Slow down and try not to get ahead of yourself. If you’re feeling irritable, observe the emotions that are surfacing. This with feel natural under the waning Cancer moon.

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