Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/2/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

2/2 is a day for dreamers! Mercury makes a supportive sextile to Neptune, asking us to use our imagination and allow our creativity to inform our mindset. The Last Quarter Moon allows us to believe in the magic of the mystery. Connections to Saturn and Jupiter show us the lessons we’re learning- but be careful not to jump to conclusions just yet! What we water will grow if we invest our energy intentionally, but manifestation takes time. We must cut ties with what no longer serves us to create space for new opportunities. There is power in our ability to let go and trust in the unknown.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/9/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

Explore the subconscious today. A sextile between Mercury and Neptune encourages us to embrace our imagination and believe in magic. Spiritual pursuits of every kind are favored today! The last quarter moon in Pisces prompts healing release and heightened intuition. The moon's sextile with Jupiter brings an energy of faith and optimism, helping us find silver linings, even in the midst of endings. A meeting of the moon and Saturn brings up doubts and limiting beliefs to be released too. Time spent in solitude facilitates deep introspection and patience. Trust.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/6/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

We start the week in a haze. Coming off of the energetic high of the Leo Full Moon might feel like an energetic hangover. As the moon opposes Saturn this morning, worries, negativity, or general lethargy can creep in. Meanwhile, messenger Mercury connects with Neptune, clouding our intellect. This is a beautiful opportunity to give our analytical mind a rest and let our imagination take over.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/1/23 ✨ Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We enter 2023 embracing transformation as we experience the powerful effects of a Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. It’s easy to look back on the year in review through rose-colored glasses as Mercury Retrograde connects with Neptune this January 1st. Romanticizing the past is possible, but looking back can give us inspiration to dream about the year ahead too! The waxing moon in Taurus keeps us grounded and comfortable.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/24/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

It’s easier to believe in magic this Christmas Eve as Mercury makes a supportive connection to dreamy Neptune. This is the perfect transit for watching holiday movies and listening to your favorite Christmas carols. Creative projects and spiritual connection are favored today too. The Capricorn moon makes conjunctions to Venus, Mercury, and Pluto throughout the day.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/3/22 ✨ Mercury Retrograde is Over!

Finally! Mercury Retrograde is over! We can start to make sense of everything the Universe forced us to review, but don’t get too ahead of yourself. The planet of communication is in its shadow period or the next week-or-so, so occasional glitches are still possible. As Mercury switches directions, it plays a balancing act with Saturn and Neptune.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/24/22 ✨ Mercury Square Saturn

Sunday brings an incredible potential for breakthroughs and realizations. This could feel like a pivotal shift or turning point as Mercury meets up with the North Node while simultaneously forming a harsh 90º angle with Saturn. Decisions we make or information we receive today could change the trajectory of our path.

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