6/3/22 ✨ Mercury Retrograde is Over!

✨ Happy Venus Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I move forward with clarity.



Relief! Mercury stations direct in Taurus, bringing more clarity and grounding our mental state. Expect the fogginess of retrograde season to lift over the coming weeks, but don't get too ahead of yourself. As Mercury switches directions, the planet of communication takes about a week to gain speed again. This is called Mercury's "shadow period," when we could still run into a few tech glitches or communication issues. Now is the time to start integrating all the ideas, realizations, and values you reviewed during retrograde season. Take it slow with Mercury in Taurus. The pace will pick up again when Mercury moves back into Gemini.

♉️ MERCURY SQUARE ♒️ SATURN (not exact)

The planet of communication forms a near square to Saturn as it switches direction, forcing us to face the facts. But this reality check can feel a bit more like a dark cloud putting a damper on our thoughts and mental state. It’s important to realize Saturn’s influence and recognize negativity or doubt as it pops up. We’re more skeptical and serious in our mindset and more practical and cold in our communication. This transit can force us to take care of business if there are tasks we’ve been putting off or avoiding.


Thankfully, messenger Mercury gets support from dreamy Neptune as it stations direct, helping us use our imagination and communicate with compassion. While Saturn forces us to see reality, Neptune helps us check out, creating a bit of balance. Our intuition is heightened under this aspect as well. Leaning into our wildest dreams can actually help us surpass doubt or fear and trust in the clarity that is coming.

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The waxing Cancer moon asks us to integrate self-care and listen to our body as we set intentions and plan for the future. We are tapped into our intuition and attuned to our emotions under this lunation. We are nurtured by our home, family, and environments that feel comfortable.


The moon harmonizes with Neptune overnight, bringing vivid dreams. Pay special attention to what comes through your subconscious. Keeping a dream journal next to your bed could be especially powerful. But as the moon also makes an uncomfortable connection to Saturn, fear our doubt could come through our dreams very easily too.


When the moon gets support from Mercury (now direct!!) insights can come through more easily. If you happen to sleep through this transit, dreams could carry clear messages. In waking life, this aspect could bring intuitive hits.

♋️ MOON OPPOSITE ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 8:00 AM PT

The Cancer moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn, creating dramatic mood swings and power struggles. We are facing our fears as shadowy Pluto acts as a mirror for our deepest emotions. If we are unwilling to sit with our own difficult feelings, it could be tempting to try to manipulate others in order to feel a sense of control. Use this energy to your advantage by staying curious and open to what tender feelings are showing you.

🌒 MOON ➡️ LEO ♌️ (11:38 AM PT)

The energy shifts when the moon enters the sign of the lion around noon, making us feel more playful and child-like. But the moon in Leo can also make our emotions feel more grand and dramatic! Try not to let pride get the best of you. Instead, lean into the creative, joyful energy of this transit. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

♌️ MOON TRINE ♈️ JUPITER (4º) 8:00 PM PT

We end the week with an incredibly abundant transit as the magnetic Leo moon forms a fortunate angle to giant Jupiter. This is ALL the good vibes! Over the top everything! All the selfies. All the fun! Going big is in the start this Friday night.


Finally! Mercury Retrograde is over! We can start to make sense of everything the Universe forced us to review, but don’t get too ahead of yourself. The planet of communication is in its shadow period or the next week-or-so. Occasional glitches are still possible. As Mercury switches directions, it plays a balancing act with Saturn and Neptune. Saturn brings up fears and doubts, but Neptune’s influence helps us infuse compassion into the conversation and trust a higher plan. The moon spends the morning in Cancer, connecting with Neptune and Mercury overnight. Pay special attention to messages in dreams! The moon and Pluto face off as the day gets going. This is the moment we’re forced to confront our own shadows- but beware- shying away from difficult emotions could cause hostility instead. When the moon moves into Leo around noon, the energy lightens up. Lean into fun and play this Friday night. We’ll be feeling all the good vibes when the moon harmonizes with abundant Jupiter.

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6/4/22 ✨ Saturn Stations Retrograde


6/2/22 ✨ Moon in Cancer