2/10/24 ✨ Mercury Square Jupiter
Big ideas and big feelings define our forecast today! Mercury squares Saturn, forcing us to see the world through rose-colored glasses. We’re inclined to make grand plans, but focus on dreaming rather than doing- we’re likely to overlook details under this transit. The waxing moon dips into Pisces, heightening our sensitivity and attuning us to our intuition. When the moon meets Saturn this evening, it’s easy to spiral into fear or doubt, but a complimentary sextile to Jupiter allows us to remain optimistic and have faith in how everything is unfolding.
7/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Cancer
Our intuition is our guide under the New Moon in Cancer. With the moon in her home sign, we are invited to come back home to our own bodies and trust the messages we’re receiving from within. Like a mother with a newborn child, we are encouraged to be gentle with our new ideas and creations, slowly tending to them at a comfortable pace. Supportive aspects to Uranus and Neptune help us look to the future with trust and envision the possibilities.
12/5/22 ✨ Mercury Square Jupiter
Slow your roll! Mercury and Jupiter square off at the 29th degree- notorious for making us restless. With these two planets clashing, it’s easy to blurt out words without thinking them through first. We’re eager to make big plans today too- but beware of overlooking small details in the process. The day begins on an exciting note as the Taurus moon and Uranus meet up. Surprises are possible, but so are impulses and disruptions.
7/8/22 ✨ Mercury Square Jupiter
Tension begins to build on Friday as we experience powerful transits. We start the day with the sun squaring Chiron, bringing our wounds to light. With the focus on our body during Cancer season, pay special attention to any physical pain you feel. It could be an indicator of emotions being ignored. Late tonight, Mercury clashes with Jupiter, giving us an urge to make big plans! But it’s much more difficult to deal with the details now. A lack of filtering your words could lead to an uncomfortable situation.