7/8/22 ✨ Mercury Square Jupiter

✨ Happy Venus Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I navigate my emotions with intention.


♋️ SUN SQUARE ♈️ CHIRON (16º) 6:22 AM PT

The light of the Cancer sun illuminates our wounds as the sun squares Chiron. This harsh 90º angle can bring our pain to the forefront in fiery fashion. We could even be surprised by the opening of a wound we thought was already healed. With the sun in Cancer, pain in our body can be an indicator of emotions that want to be addressed.


We have an urge to make big plans when Mercury squares Jupiter on Friday night. This transit can bring a sudden onset of positive thoughts and words, making it great for socializing as we head into the weekend. But the downside of this tense 90º angle is a tendency to overlook details and only see the big picture. We have little-to-no filter under this aspect. We’re more inclined to share our ideas with others, but beware of being self-righteous. Sloppiness now could lead to headaches down the road. New information could also come to light, expanding our understanding.

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The Scorpio moon takes us to our emotional depths. Our feelings might be a bit intense, but they can force us to face our own truth. We are nurtured by our most intimate connections now.

♏️ MOON OPPOSITE ♉️ MARS (2º) 2:00 AM PT

Restless night? You might have found yourself tossing and turning as the moon opposed Mars. This can bring a surge of energy, which isn’t exactly welcome at 2:00 AM PT. But if you live in another part of the world, you might have woken up feeling ready to tackle the day! But exerting too much energy now could cause burnout later in the day.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♋️ MERCURY (6º) 9:00 AM PT

We can communicate our emotions with ease as the Scorpio moon harmonizes with Mercury in Cancer. This watery trine allows us to realize our deepest emotions on a rational level. We can make sense of feelings we’ve kept under lock-and-key and we’re more willing to talk (or write) about those feelings now.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♋️ LILITH (9º) 3:00 PM PT

Our inner-bitch might come out when the moon and Lilith connect in a trine. This is a fortunate angle though, helping us connect to our most authentic truth and find our power. We have a distinct desire to be in control under this aspect. The best way to harness this energy is to remember we can only control ourselves. Attempts to manipulate others could bring out their inner-bitch too.


Tension begins to build on Friday as we experience powerful transits. We start the day with the sun squaring Chiron, bringing our wounds to light. With the focus on our body during Cancer season, pay special attention to any physical pain you feel. It could be an indicator of emotions being ignored. Late tonight, Mercury clashes with Jupiter, giving us an urge to make big plans! But it’s much more difficult to deal with the details now. A lack of filtering your words could lead to an uncomfortable situation. The Scorpio moon brings us to our deepest emotional depths. The moon opposed Mars overnight, making us restless. But Friday begins with a watery trine between the moon and Mercury, helping us recognize our true feelings and share them with others. We end Friday on a bitchy note as the moon harmonizes with Lilith. Beware of trying to control others - their inner-bitch is activated right now too.

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7/9/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Lilith


7/7/22 ✨ Libra Moon Trine Saturn