8/31/22 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio
The final day of August is a day of transition. When the waxing moon enters Scorpio mid-morning, we begin to tune into our deeper emotions. The only connections the Scorpio moon makes tonight are two imbalanced angles to Mars and Jupiter. In astrology, this configuration is called a yod. While Mars and Jupiter support one another, getting us excited to move forward, the Scorpio moon is the apex point, bringing our deeper motivations into question.
6/11/22 ✨ Venus Conjunct Uranus
Big changes are possible this Saturday as Venus and Uranus meet in Taurus. This sets the stage for major shifts in relationships, finances, and values. This conjunction could bring an exciting (or surprising) turn of events might just link back to something that was set into motion during eclipse season. Current disruptions are clearing the path or lighting the way to bring us closer to love.
6/6/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Chiron
Get ready to draft your to-do list! The Virgo moon puts us in a productive mood to start a new week. We’ll all be feeling a bit more analytical and observational, but not quite ready to take action… yet. This energy will be especially helpful as the Gemini sun gets support from Wounded Healer, Chiron. Healing realizations are possible if we’re willing to revisit past pain with curiosity and reach for greater understanding.
5/13/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct North Node
The Taurus sun meets up with the North Node today, making us consciously aware of the direction we are heading. But in order to fully step into our soul’s mission, we must acknowledge the energy we need to release. The Libra moon makes awkward aspects all day, making it difficult to stay balanced. This is the time for small adjustments. The universe will handle big shifts for you.
5/8/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Leo
This Mother’s Day could feel a bit different than years past. Surprises are possible… and so are emotional outbursts. Saturday’s energy made it easy to express our affections for others and lean into love… but on Sunday, the first quarter moon in Leo could cause a bit of agitation. Give yourself grace if this Mother’s Day brings up difficult emotions.
4/14/22 ✨ Mars Enters Pisces, Lilith Enters Cancer
Mars dives into the sensitive sign of Pisces, asking us to act from a place of compassion over the coming weeks. This is an invitation to flow rather than force. Black Moon Lilith dives into watery Cancer for the next nine months. We’ll see a greater focus on embodiment, vulnerability, and motherhood as we unpack the shadows of emotional suppression.
4/9/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Cancer
Saturday’s First Quarter Moon in Cancer asks us to take action from an embodied state. While we make headway towards the intentions we set under the Aries New Moon, we are aware of the need to do things differently in order to nurture our body properly. A flowing trine between the moon, Jupiter and Neptune brings an abundance of good vibes and an optimistic outlook.
3/11/22 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Mercury
The moon moves into its home sign Cancer on Friday, opening the tap and allowing a trickle (or flood) of emotions to come through. Don’t be surprised if you get the urge to tidy up your home or make your environment more comfortable this weekend.
2/15/22 ✨ Sun Square North Node
The day leading up to tomorrow morning’s full moon in Leo is full of uncertainty and tension. The Aquarius sun forms a harsh 90º angle to the North Node, forcing us to acknowledge the lessons we’re here to learn… whether we like it or not. Beware of letting your ego take over today… especially as the Leo moon opposes Saturn.