6/6/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Chiron

✨ Happy Moon Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I observe my patterns without judgement.


♊️ SUN SEXTILE ♈️ CHIRON (15º) 1:44 AM PT

The Gemini sun gets support from Chiron in Aries, helping us illuminate the path ahead on our healing journey. This transit could bring a conscious awareness about past pain or old wounds. Realizations are possible if we’re willing to observe our pain with genuine curiosity. There’s much to learn about our own healing and potentially opportunity to hold space for others to do the same.

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The waning moon in Virgo makes us all more aware of details. This is the perfect energy for drafting a to-do list or starting a new routine- productivity abound! Just be careful not to let your inner-critic take the wheel. We tend to be more particular under this transit, making it easy to point out others’ faults or mistakes.


The moon makes an imbalanced connection to Jupiter, making it difficult to align with abundance. This transit adds to the modest energy of the Virgo moon, keeping a limiter on our expression. But we could also find ourselves having to reach a little farther to find optimism and generosity.

♍️ MOON QUINCUNX ♈️ MARS (9º) 5:00 PM PT

The moon and Mars come into another imbalanced angle, keeping our energy levels at bay throughout the day. It will be more natural to analyze and plan now rather than take action. Adjustments can be made to make aligned moves in the next phase.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♉️ VENUS (11º) 9:00 PM PT

The moon forms a harmonious 120º trine to Venus on Monday night, allowing love to flow through with ease. The Virgo moon makes us feel more helpful and willing to serve others. Venus’ influence infuses loving energy into our emotions, allowing us to express our affection with ease and show others how much we care through acts of service.


Get ready to draft your to-do list! The Virgo moon puts us in a productive mood to start a new week. We’ll all be feeling a bit more analytical and observational, but not quite ready to take action… yet. This energy will be especially helpful as the Gemini sun gets support from Wounded Healer, Chiron. Healing realizations are possible if we’re willing to revisit past pain with curiosity and reach for greater understanding. The waning moon makes imbalanced connections to Jupiter and Mars throughout the day, showing us what adjustments we need to make before we take abundant action. But by Monday night, the moon and Venus lock into an earthy trine, allowing love and affection to flow with ease. We’ll enjoy being around others and showing how much we care by the end of the day.

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