Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/9/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun

The day could start on a bit of a rocky note as the moon opposes Mars and Chiron. Watch out for impulsive tendencies or sensitive triggers. We end this Jupiter Day on a high note as the moon and sun come into a harmonious trine, giving us a natural ability to express ourselves and relate to others.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/10/22 ✨ Jupiter Enters Aries

Let’s go!! We experience a major energetic shift when giant Jupiter enters Aries this afternoon. When the planet of abundance enters the first sign of the zodiac, we can start new endeavors with optimism and take the lead with ease. This is a beautiful opportunity to start something new or charge full speed ahead. Just be careful not to be overly aggressive and impulsive.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/15/22 ✨ Moon Opposite Chiron

The Libra moon plays a balancing act as it becomes full. The moon makes uncomfortable connections to Mercury and Venus throughout the morning. It may be a little more difficult to articulate our feelings or show affection today. The headline transit this Friday is an opposition between the moon and Wounded Healer, Chiron, forcing us to face the traumas that were triggered under the new moon two weeks ago.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/10/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Taurus

Messenger Mercury makes a dramatic exit from Aries, forming a harsh 90º angle to Pluto, then a supportive angle to Lilith. If there was ever a time to watch your words, this is it. But when Mercury enters the grounded sign of Taurus for the next three weeks, we can expect a slower pace.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/11/22 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Mercury

The moon moves into its home sign Cancer on Friday, opening the tap and allowing a trickle (or flood) of emotions to come through. Don’t be surprised if you get the urge to tidy up your home or make your environment more comfortable this weekend.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/15/22 ✨ Sun Square North Node

The day leading up to tomorrow morning’s full moon in Leo is full of uncertainty and tension. The Aquarius sun forms a harsh 90º angle to the North Node, forcing us to acknowledge the lessons we’re here to learn… whether we like it or not. Beware of letting your ego take over today… especially as the Leo moon opposes Saturn.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/10/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun + Saturn

The energy could feel a bit chaotic today under the Gemini moon. A flowing angle between the moon and Saturn helps us slow the mercurial pace of the day and stay grounded amid this airy and uncertain Aquarius season.

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